Source code for tenable.cs.repositories


The repositories methods allow interaction into ContainerSecurity
repositories API.

Methods available on ``cs.repositories``:

.. rst-class:: hide-signature
.. autoclass:: RepositoryAPI

    .. automethod:: delete
    .. automethod:: details
    .. automethod:: list
from .base import CSEndpoint, CSIterator

class RepositoryIterator(CSIterator):
    def _get_data(self):
        query = self._query
        query['offset'] = self._offset
        query['limit'] = self._limit
        return self._api.get('repositories', params=query).json()

[docs]class RepositoryAPI(CSEndpoint):
[docs] def list(self, **kw): ''' Retrieves a list of repositories configured within ContainerSecurity. Args: contains (str, optional): limit the response to only repositories with the specified string within their name. image (str, optional): limit the response to only repositories containing the image name. limit (int, optional): How many records should be returned within each page of data? If nothing is specified, then the default is 50. offset (int, optional): At what offset do we start returning the data? If nothing is specified, then the default is 0. pages (int, optional): How many pages Returns: RepositoryIterator: an iterator handling the pagination of the response. Examples: >>> for repository in cs.repository.list(): ... pprint(repository) ''' query = dict() if 'contains' in kw: query['nameContains'] = self._check('contains', kw['contains'], str) if 'image' in kw: query['imageName'] = self._check('image', kw['image'], str) return RepositoryIterator(self._api, _limit=self._check( 'limit', kw['limit'], int) if 'limit' in kw else 50, _offset=self._check( 'offset', kw['offset'], int) if 'offset' in kw else 0, _pages_total=self._check( 'pages', kw['pages'], int) if 'pages' in kw else None, _query=query)
[docs] def details(self, name): ''' Retrieves the list of images for the specified repository. Args: name (str): The name of the repository. Returns: list: List of image resources. Examples: >>> for image in cs.repository.details('library'): ... pprint(image) ''' return self._api.get('repositories/{}'.format( self._check('name', name, str))).json()
[docs] def delete(self, name): ''' Removes the specified repository. Args: name (str): The name of the repository to delete. Returns: None Examples: >>> cs.repository.delete('library') ''' self._api.delete('repositories/{}'.format( self._check('name', name, str)))