Source code for tenable.downloads.pages


The following methods allow for interaction into the Downloads Pages API

Methods available on ``downloads.pages``:

.. rst-class:: hide-signature
.. autoclass:: PageAPI

    .. automethod:: details
    .. automethod:: download
    .. automethod:: list
from tenable.base import APIEndpoint
from io import BytesIO

[docs]class PageAPI(APIEndpoint):
[docs] def list(self): ''' Lists the available content pages. Returns: list: The list of page resources. Examples: >>> pages = downloads.pages.list() >>> for page in pages: ... pprint(page) ''' return self._api.get('pages').json()
[docs] def details(self, page): ''' Retrieves the specific download items for the page requested. Args: page (str): The name of the page to request. Returns: dict: The page details. Examples: >>> details = downloads.pages.details('nessus') ''' return self._api.get('pages/{}'.format( self._check('page', page, str))).json()
[docs] def download(self, page, package, fobj=None): ''' Retreives the requested package and downloads the file. Args: page (str): The name of the page package (str): The package filename fobj (FileObject, optional): The file-like object to write the package to. If nothing is specified, then a BytesIO object will be used. Returns: FileObject Examples: >>> with open('Nessus-latest.x86_64.rpm', 'wb') as pkgfile: ...'nessus', ... 'Nessus-8.3.0-es7.x86_64.rpm', pkgfile) ''' if not fobj: fobj = BytesIO() # Now that the status has reported back as "ready", we can actually # download the file. resp = self._api.get('pages/{}/files/{}'.format( self._check('page', page, str), self._check('package', package, str)), stream=True) # Lets stream the file into the file-like object... for chunk in resp.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: fobj.write(chunk) resp.close() # Lastly lets return the FileObject to the caller. return fobj