Source code for

Audit Log

The following methods allow for interaction into the Tenable Vulnerability
Management :devportal:`audit log <audit-log>` API endpoints.

Methods available on ``io.audit_log``:

.. rst-class:: hide-signature
.. autoclass:: AuditLogAPI
from typing_extensions import Literal
from typing import Tuple, Optional, Dict
from copy import copy
from .base import TIOEndpoint
from restfly.iterator import APIIterator

class AuditLogIterator(APIIterator):
    AuditLog Iterator
    _next_token: str = None
    _payload: Dict

    def _get_page(self) -> None:
        Request the next page of data
        payload = copy(self._payload)
        payload['next'] = self._next_token

        if self.num_pages >= 1 and self._next_token is None:
            raise StopIteration()
        resp = self._api.get('audit-log/v1/events', params=payload, box=True)
        self._next_token = resp.pagination.get('next') = =

[docs]class AuditLogAPI(TIOEndpoint): _box = True _path = 'audit-log/v1/events'
[docs] def events(self, *filters: Tuple[str, str, str], limit: int = 1000, filter_type: Literal['and', 'or'] = 'and', sort: Optional[str] = None, token: Optional[str] = '0', return_json: bool = False ): ''' Retrieve audit logs from Tenable Vulnerability Management. :devportal:`audit-log: events <audit-log-events>` Args: *filters (tuple, optional): Filters to allow the user to get to a specific subset of data within the audit log. For a more detailed listing of what filters are available, please refer to the API documentation linked above, however some examples are as such: - ``('date', 'gt', '2017-07-05')`` - ``('date', 'lt', '2017-07-07')`` - ``('actor_id', 'match', '6000a811-8422-4096-83d3-e4d44f7d')`` - ``('target_id', 'match', '6000a811-8422-4096-83d3-e4d447d')`` limit (int, optional): The limit of how many events to return. The API will default to 50 unless otherwise specified. filter_type (str, optional): if multiple filters are present, how should we combine the filters? Supported values are `and` or `or`. If left unspecified, the default is `and`. sort (str, optional): Should any soerting be performed on the resulting data? The format is `FIELD_NAME:DIRECTION`. For example, supplying `received:desc` would sort the results by the received field in descencing order. token (str, optional): The `next` token to request the next page. return_json (bool, optional): Should we return the JSON response instead of iterable? Returns: :obj:`AuditLogIterator`: List of event records Examples: >>> events ='date', 'gt', '2018-01-01')) >>> for e in events: ... pprint(e) ''' payload = { 'f': [f'{f[0]}.{f[1]}:{f[2]}' for f in filters], 'ft': filter_type, 'limit': limit, 'next': token, 'sort': sort } if return_json: return self._get(params=payload) return AuditLogIterator(self._api, _payload=payload, _next_token=token )