Source code for


The following methods allow for interaction into the Tenable Vulnerability Management
:devportal:`tagging <tags>` API endpoints.

Methods available on ``tio.tags``:

.. rst-class:: hide-signature
.. autoclass:: TagsAPI
import json
import re

from tenable.utils import dict_merge
from import TIOEndpoint, TIOIterator

class TagsIterator(TIOIterator):
    The tags iterator provides a scalable way to work through tag list result
    sets of any size.  The iterator will walk through each page of data,
    returning one record at a time.  If it reaches the end of a page of
    records, then it will request the next page of information and then continue
    to return records from the next page (and the next, and the next) until the
    counter reaches the total number of records that the API has reported.

        count (int): The current number of records that have been returned
        page (list):
            The current page of data being walked through.  pages will be
            cycled through as the iterator requests more information from the
        page_count (int): The number of record returned from the current page.
        total (int):
            The total number of records that exist for the current request.

[docs]class TagsAPI(TIOEndpoint): ''' This will contain all methods related to tags ''' _filterset_tags = { 'value': { 'operators': ['eq', 'match'], 'pattern': None, 'choices': None }, 'category_name': { 'operators': ['eq', 'match'], 'pattern': None, 'choices': None }, 'category_uuid': { 'operators': ['eq'], 'pattern': r'^[a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12,32}$', 'choices': None }, 'description': { 'operators': ['eq', 'match'], 'pattern': None, 'choices': None }, 'updated_at': { 'operators': ['date-eq', 'date-gt', 'date-lt'], 'pattern': '\\d+', 'choices': None }, 'updated_by': { 'operators': ['eq'], 'pattern': None } # Add UUID regex here } _filterset_categories = { 'name': { 'operators': ['eq', 'match'], 'pattern': None, 'choices': None }, 'description': { 'operators': ['eq', 'match'], 'pattern': None, 'choices': None }, 'created_at': { 'operators': ['date-eq', 'date-gt', 'date-lt'], 'pattern': '\\d+', 'choices': None }, 'updated_at': { 'operators': ['date-eq', 'date-gt', 'date-lt'], 'pattern': '\\d+', 'choices': None }, 'updated_by': { 'operators': ['eq'], 'pattern': None, 'choices': None } # Add UUID regex here } def _permission_constructor(self, items): ''' Simple current_domain_permission tuple expander. Also supports validation of values ''' resp = list() for item in items: self._check('item', item, (tuple, dict)) if isinstance(item, tuple): if len(item) == 3: item = item + ([],) resp.append({ 'id': self._check('id', item[0], 'uuid'), "name": self._check('name', item[1], str), "type": self._check('type', item[2], str, choices=['user', 'group'], case='upper'), "permissions": [ self._check('i', i, str, choices=['ALL', 'CAN_EDIT', 'CAN_SET_PERMISSIONS'], case='upper') for i in self._check('permissions', item[3], list)], }) else: data = dict() data['id'] = self._check('id', item['id'], 'uuid') data['name'] = self._check('name', item['name'], str) data['type'] = self._check('type', item['type'], str, choices=['user', 'group'], case='upper') data['permissions'] = [ self._check('i', i, str, choices=['ALL', 'CAN_EDIT', 'CAN_SET_PERMISSIONS'], case='upper') for i in self._check('permissions', item['permissions'] if 'permissions' in item else None, list, default=list())] resp.append(data) return resp def _tag_value_constructor(self, filters, filterdefs, filter_type): ''' A simple constructor to handle constructing the filter parameters for the create and edit tag value. ''' filter_type = self._check('filter_type', filter_type, str, choices=['and', 'or'], default='and', case='lower') # created default dictionary for payload filters key payload_filters = dict({ 'asset': dict({ filter_type: list() }) }) if len(filters) > 0: # run the filters through the filter parser and update payload_filters parsed_filters = self._parse_filters(filters, filterdefs, rtype='assets')['asset'] payload_filters['asset'][filter_type] = parsed_filters return payload_filters
[docs] def create(self, category, value, description=None, category_description=None, filters=None, filter_type=None, all_users_permissions=None, current_domain_permissions=None): ''' Create a tag category/value pair :devportal:`tags: create-tag-value <tags-create-tag-value-1>` Args: category (str): The category name, or the category UUID. If the category does not exist, then it will be created along with the new value. value (str): The value for the tag. category_description (str, optional): If the category is to be created, a description can be optionally provided. description (str, optional): A description for the Category/Value pair. filters (list, optional): Filters are list of tuples in the form of ('FIELD', 'OPERATOR', 'VALUE'). Multiple filters can be used and will filter down the data for automatically applying the tag to asset. Examples: - ``('operating_system', 'match', ['Linux'])`` - ``('name', 'nmatch', 'home')`` Note that multiple values can be passed in list of string format filter_type (str, optional): The filter_type operator determines how the filters are combined together. ``and`` will inform the API that all of the filter conditions must be met whereas ``or`` would mean that if any of the conditions are met. Default is ``and`` all_users_permissions (list, optional): List of the minimum set of permissions all users have on the current tag. Possible values are ALL, CAN_EDIT, and CAN_SET_PERMISSIONS. current_domain_permissions (list, optional): List of user and group-specific permissions for the current tag current_domain_permissions are list of tuples in the form of ('ID', 'NAME', 'TYPE', 'PERMISSIONS') the TYPE can be either `USER` or `GROUP` and the PERMISSIONS can be `ALL`, `CAN_EDIT` or `CAN_SET_PERMISSIONS` any one or all in list Examples: - ``(uuid , '', 'USER', ['CAN_EDIT'])`` Returns: :obj:`dict`: Tag value resource record Examples: Creating a new tag & Category: >>> tio.tags.create('Location', 'Chicago') Creating a new Tag value in the existing Location Category: >>> tio.tags.create('Location', 'New York') Creating a new Tag value in the existing Location Category and apply to assets dynamically: >>> tio.tags.create('Location', 'San Francisco', ... filters=[('operating_system', 'match', ['Linux'])]) Creating a new Tag value in the existing Location Category and set permissions for users: >>> tio.tags.create('Location', 'Washington', ... all_users_permissions=['CAN_EDIT'], ... current_domain_permissions=[('c2f2d080-ac2b-4278-914b-29f148682ee1', ... '', 'USER', ['CAN_EDIT']) ... ]) Creating a new Tag Value within a Category by UUID: >>> tio.tags.create('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', 'Madison') ''' all_permissions = ['ALL', 'CAN_EDIT', 'CAN_SET_PERMISSIONS'] payload = dict() # First lets see if the category is a UUID or a general string. If its # a UUID, then we will pass the value of category into the category_uuid # parameter, if not (but is still a string), then we will pass into # category_name uuid_pattern = re.compile(r'^[a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}$') if payload['category_uuid'] = self._check('category', category, 'uuid') else: payload['category_name'] = self._check('category', category, str) payload['value'] = self._check('value', value, str) if description: payload['description'] = self._check('description', description, str) if category_description: payload['category_description'] = self._check( 'category_description', category_description, str) if not current_domain_permissions: current_domain_permissions = list() payload['access_control'] = { # setting default current_user_permissions to all 'current_user_permissions': all_permissions, # check and assign all_users_permissions 'all_users_permissions': [ self._check('i', i, str, choices=['ALL', 'CAN_EDIT', 'CAN_SET_PERMISSIONS']) for i in self._check('all_users_permissions', all_users_permissions, list, default=list(), case='upper')], # run the current_domain_permissions through the permission_constructor 'current_domain_permissions': self._permission_constructor( self._check('current_domain_permissions', current_domain_permissions, list)), } # if filters are defined, run the filters through the filter parser... if self._check('filters', filters, list): payload['filters'] = self._tag_value_constructor( filters, self._api.filters.asset_tag_filters(), filter_type) return'tags/values', json=payload).json()
[docs] def create_category(self, name, description=None): ''' Creates a new category :devportal:`tags: create-category <tags-create-tag-category>` Args: name (str): The name of the category to create description (str, optional): Description for the category to create. Returns: :obj:`dict`: Tag category resource record Examples: >>> tio.tags.create_category('Location') ''' payload = dict() payload['name'] = self._check('name', name, str) if description: payload['description'] = self._check('description', description, str) return'tags/categories', json=payload).json()
[docs] def delete(self, *tag_value_uuids): ''' Deletes tag value(s). :devportal:`tag: delete tag value <tags-delete-tag-value>` Args: *tag_value_uuid (str): The unique identifier for the tag value to be deleted. Returns: :obj:`None` Examples: Deleting a single tag value: >>> tio.tags.delete('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000') Deleting multiple tag values: >>> tio.tags.delete('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', ... '10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001') ''' if len(tag_value_uuids) <= 1: self._api.delete('tags/values/{}'.format( self._check('tag_value_uuid', tag_value_uuids[0], 'uuid'))) else:'tags/values/delete-requests', json={'values': [ self._check('tag_value_uuid', i, 'uuid') for i in tag_value_uuids ]})
[docs] def delete_category(self, tag_category_uuid): ''' Deletes a tag category. :devportal:`tag: delete tag category <tags-delete-tag-category>` Args: tag_category_uuid (str): The unique identifier for the tag category to be deleted. Returns: :obj:`None` Examples: >>> tio.tags.delete('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000') ''' self._api.delete('tags/categories/{}'.format( self._check('tag_category_uuid', tag_category_uuid, 'uuid')))
[docs] def details(self, tag_value_uuid): ''' Retrieves the details for a specific tag category/value pair. :devportal:`tag: tag details <tags-tag-value-details>` Args: tag_value_uuid (str): The unique identifier for the c/v pair Returns: :obj:`dict`: Tag value resource record Examples: >>> tio.tags.details('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000') ''' return self._api.get('tags/values/{}'.format(self._check( 'tag_value_uuid', tag_value_uuid, 'uuid'))).json()
[docs] def details_category(self, tag_category_uuid): ''' Retrieves the details for a specific tag category. :devportal:`tag: tag category details <tags-tag-category-details>` Args: tag_category_uuid (str): The unique identifier for the category Returns: :obj:`dict`: Tag category resource record Examples: >>> tio.tags.details_category('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000') ''' return self._api.get('tags/categories/{}'.format(self._check( 'tag_category_uuid', tag_category_uuid, 'uuid'))).json()
[docs] def edit(self, tag_value_uuid, value=None, description=None, filters=None, filter_type=None, all_users_permissions=None, current_domain_permissions=None): ''' Updates Tag category/value pair information. :devportal:`tag: edit tag value <tags-update-tag-value>` Args: tag_value_uuid (str): The unique identifier for the c/v pair to be edited. value (str, optional): The new name for the category value. description (str, optional): New description for the category value. filters (list, optional): Filters are list of tuples in the form of ('FIELD', 'OPERATOR', 'VALUE'). Multiple filters can be used and will filter down the data for automatically applying the tag to asset. Examples:: - ``('operating_system', 'match', ['Linux'])`` - ``('name', 'nmatch', 'home')`` Note that multiple values can be passed in list of string format filter_type (str, optional): The filter_type operator determines how the filters are combined together. ``and`` will inform the API that all of the filter conditions must be met whereas ``or`` would mean that if any of the conditions are met. Default is ``and`` all_users_permissions (list, optional): List of the minimum set of permissions all users have on the current tag. Possible values are ALL, CAN_EDIT, and CAN_SET_PERMISSIONS. current_domain_permissions (list, optional): List of user and group-specific permissions for the current tag current_domain_permissions are list of tuples in the form of ('ID', 'NAME', 'TYPE', 'PERMISSIONS') the TYPE can be either `USER` or `GROUP` and the PERMISSIONS can be `ALL`, `CAN_EDIT` or `CAN_SET_PERMISSIONS` any one or all in list Examples:: - ``(uuid, '', 'USER', ['CAN_EDIT'])`` Returns: :obj:`dict`: Tag value resource record. Examples: >>> tio.tags.edit('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', ... name='NewValueName') ''' payload = dict() payload['value'] = self._check('value', value, str) if description: payload['description'] = self._check('description', description, str) # get existing values of tag current = self.details(self._check('tag_value_uuid', tag_value_uuid, 'uuid')) current_access_control = current['access_control'] # created copy of current access control which will be used # to compare any changes done in permissions access_control = current_access_control.copy() # initialize access controls payload['access_control'] = dict() # Set all users permission if all_users_permissions is not None: current_access_control['all_users_permissions'] = [ self._check('i', i, str, choices=['ALL', 'CAN_EDIT', 'CAN_SET_PERMISSIONS']) for i in self._check('all_users_permissions', all_users_permissions, list, case='upper')] # run current_domain_permissions through permission parser if current_domain_permissions is not None: current_access_control['current_domain_permissions'] = self._permission_constructor( current_domain_permissions) # update payload access control with new values payload['access_control'] = dict_merge(payload['access_control'], current_access_control) # We need to pick current value of version if available or set default value to 0 # this value will be incremented when permissions are updated if 'version' in current['access_control']: current_version = current['access_control']['version'] else: current_version = 0 # version value must be incremented each time the permissions are updated if not payload['access_control'] == access_control: payload['access_control']['version'] = current_version + 1 # if filters are defined, run the filters through the filter parser... # or else apply the filters that are available in current payload if filters is not None: self._check('filters', filters, list) payload['filters'] = self._tag_value_constructor( filters, self._api.filters.asset_tag_filters(), filter_type) elif 'filters' in current and current['filters']: # current value in filters are in form of string. # we have to first convert it into dict() form before applying current['filters']['asset'] = json.loads(current['filters']['asset']) payload['filters'] = current['filters'] return self._api.put('tags/values/{}'.format(self._check( 'tag_value_uuid', tag_value_uuid, 'uuid')), json=payload).json()
[docs] def edit_category(self, tag_category_uuid, name=None, description=None): ''' Updates Tag category information. :devportal:`tag: edit tag category <tags-edit-tag-category>` Args: tag_category_uuid (str): The unique identifier for the category to be edited. name (str, optional): The new name for the category. description (str, optional): New description for the category. Returns: :obj:`dict`: Tag category resource record. Examples: >>> tio.tags.edit_category('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', ... name='NewValueName') ''' payload = dict() payload['name'] = self._check('name', name, str) if description: payload['description'] = self._check('description', description, str) return self._api.put('tags/categories/{}'.format(self._check( 'tag_category_uuid', tag_category_uuid, 'uuid')), json=payload).json()
def _tag_list_constructor(self, filters, filterdefs, filter_type, sort): ''' A simple constructor to handle constructing the query parameters for the list and list_category methods. ''' query = self._parse_filters(filters, filterdefs, rtype='colon') if filter_type: query['ft'] = self._check('filter_type', filter_type, str, choices=['AND', 'OR'], case='upper') if sort and self._check('sort', sort, tuple): query['sort'] = ','.join(['{}:{}'.format( self._check('sort_field', i[0], str, choices=[k for k in filterdefs.keys()]), self._check('sort_direction', i[1], str, choices=['asc', 'desc']) ) for i in sort]) return query
[docs] def list(self, *filters, **kw): ''' Retrieves a list of tag category/value pairs based off of the filters defined within the query. :devportal:`tags: list tags <tags-list-tag-values>` Args: *filters (tuple, optional): A defined filter tuple consisting of the name, operator, and value. Example: ``('category_name', 'eq', 'Location')``. filter_type (str, optional): If multiple filters are defined, the filter_type toggles the behavior as to how these filters are used. Either all of the filters have to match (``AND``) or any of the filters have to match (``OR``). If not specified, the default behavior is to assume filter_type is ``AND``. limit (int, optional): How many records should be returned in a given page. If nothing is set, it will default to 1000 records. pages (int, optional): How many pages of data would you like to request? offset (int, optional): How many records to skip before returning results. If nothing is set, it will default to 0. sort (tuple, optional): A tuple of tuples identifying the the field and sort order of the field. Returns: :obj:`TagIterator`: An iterator that handles the pagination of the results Examples: Return all of the Tag Values: >>> for tag in tio.tags.list(): ... pprint(tag) Return all of the Tags of the Location category: >>> for tag in tio.tags.list(('category_name', 'eq', 'Location')): ... pprint(tag) ''' query = self._tag_list_constructor(filters, self._filterset_tags, kw['filter_type'] if 'filter_type' in kw else None, kw['sort'] if 'sort' in kw else None) return TagsIterator(self._api, _limit=self._check('limit', kw.get('limit', 1000), int), _offset=self._check('offset', kw.get('offset', 0), int), _pages_total=self._check('pages', kw.get('pages'), int), _query=query, _path='tags/values', _resource='values' )
[docs] def list_categories(self, *filters, **kw): ''' Retrieves a list of tag categories based off of the filters defined within the query. :devportal:`tags: list categories <tags-list-tag-categories>` Args: *filters (tuple, optional): A defined filter tuple consisting of the name, operator, and value. Example: ``('name', 'eq', 'Location')``. filter_type (str, optional): If multiple filters are defined, the filter_type toggles the behavior as to how these filters are used. Either all of the filters have to match (``AND``) or any of the filters have to match (``OR``). If not specified, the default behavior is to assume filter_type is ``AND``. limit (int, optional): How many records should be returned in a given page. If nothing is set, it will default to 1000 records. pages (int, optional): How many pages of data would you like to request? offset (int, optional): How many records to skip before returning results. If nothing is set, it will default to 0. sort (tuple, optional): A tuple of tuples identifying the the field and sort order of the field. Returns: :obj:`TagIterator`: An iterator that handles the pagination of the results Examples: Return all of the Tag Categories: >>> for tag in tio.tags.list_categories(): ... pprint(tag) Return all of the Tags of the Location category: >>> for tag in tio.tags.list_categories( ... ('name', 'eq', 'Location')): ... pprint(tag) ''' query = self._tag_list_constructor(filters, self._filterset_categories, kw['filter_type'] if 'filter_type' in kw else None, kw['sort'] if 'sort' in kw else None) return TagsIterator(self._api, _limit=self._check('limit', kw.get('limit', 1000), int), _offset=self._check('offset', kw.get('offset', 0), int), _pages_total=self._check('pages', kw.get('pages'), int), _query=query, _path='tags/categories', _resource='categories' )
[docs] def assign(self, assets, tags): ''' Assigns the tag category/value pairs defined to the assets defined. :devportal:`tags: assign tags <tags-assign-asset-tags>` Args: assets (list): A list of Asset UUIDs. tags (list): A list of tag category/value pair UUIDs. Returns: :obj:`str`: Job UUID of the assignment job. Examples: >>> tio.tags.assign( ... assets=['00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'], ... tags=['00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000']) ''' self._check('assets', assets, list) self._check('tags', tags, list) return'tags/assets/assignments', json={ 'action': 'add', 'assets': [self._check('asset', a, 'uuid') for a in assets], 'tags': [self._check('tag', t, 'uuid') for t in tags], }).json()['job_uuid']
[docs] def unassign(self, assets, tags): ''' Un-assigns the tag category/value pairs defined to the assets defined. :devportal:`tags: assign tags <tags-assign-asset-tags>` Args: assets (list): A list of Asset UUIDs. tags (list): A list of tag category/value pair UUIDs. Returns: :obj:`str`: Job UUID of the un-assignment job. Examples: >>> tio.tags.unassign( ... assets=['00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'], ... tags=['00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000']) ''' self._check('assets', assets, list) self._check('tags', tags, list) return'tags/assets/assignments', json={ 'action': 'remove', 'assets': [self._check('asset', a, 'uuid') for a in assets], 'tags': [self._check('tag', t, 'uuid') for t in tags], }).json()['job_uuid']
[docs] def get_tag_uuid(self, category, value): """ Fetches tag UUID using category/value pairs. Args: category (str): The category name for the tag. value (str): The value for the tag. Returns: :obj:`str`: Tag UUID. Examples: >>> tio.tags.get_tag_uuid('test_category','test_value') """ response = self._api.get('tags/categories/filter-categories') tag_uuid = None for cat in response.json()['categories']: if cat['name'].casefold() == category.casefold(): for val in cat['values']: if val['value'].casefold() == value.casefold(): tag_uuid = val['uuid'] return tag_uuid