Source code for


The following methods allow for interaction into the Tenable Security Center
:sc-api:`Feed <Feed.htm>` API.

Methods available on ``sc.feeds``:

.. rst-class:: hide-signature
.. autoclass:: FeedAPI
from .base import SCEndpoint

[docs]class FeedAPI(SCEndpoint):
[docs] def status(self, feed_type=None): ''' Returns the status of either a specific feed type (if requested) or all of the feed types if nothing is specifically asked. :sc-api:`feed <Feed.htm>` :sc-api:`feed: feed-type <Feed.htm#FeedRESTReference-FeedGETType>` Args: feed_type (str, optional): The feed type to specifically return. Valid types are `active`, `passive`, `lce`, `sc`, or `all`. Returns: :obj:`dict`: If no specific feed type is specified, then a dictionary with each type listed with a sub-dictionary detailing the status is returned. If a specific feed type is requested, then only the status information for that feed type is returned. Examples: Getting all of the feed types returned: >>> status = sc.feed.status() Getting the feed status for a specific type (e.g. `active`). >>> status = sc.feeds.status('active') ''' self._check('feed_type', feed_type, str, choices=[ 'active', 'passive', 'lce', 'sc', 'all']) if not feed_type: return self._api.get('feed').json()['response'] else: return self._api.get('feed/{}'.format(feed_type)).json()['response']
[docs] def update(self, feed_type=None): ''' Initiates an on-line feed update based on the specified feed_type. If no feed type is specified, then it will default to initiating an update for all feed types. :sc-api:`feed: update <Feed.htm#FeedRESTReference-FeedUpdatePOSTType>` Args: feed_type (str, optional); The feed type to specifically return. Valid types are `active`, `passive`, `lce`, `sc`, or `all`. Returns: :obj:`None`: Update successfully requested. ''''feed/{}/update'.format( self._check('feed_type', feed_type, str, default='all', choices=[ 'active', 'passive', 'lce', 'sc', 'all'])), json={})
[docs] def process(self, feed_type, fobj): ''' Initiates an off-line feed update based on the specified feed_type using the file object passed as the update file. :sc-api:`feed: process <Feed.htm#FeedRESTReference-FeedUpdatePOSTProcess>` Args: feed_type (str); The feed type to specifically return. Valid types are `active`, `passive`, `lce`, `sc`, or `all`. fobj (FileObject): The file object to upload into SecurityCenter and use as the update package. Returns: :obj:`None`: Update successfully requested. Examples: updating the active plugins: >>> with open('sc-plugins-diff.tar.gz', 'rb') as plugfile: ... sc.feeds.process('active', plugfile) ''' filename = self._api.files.upload(fobj)'feed/{}/process'.format( self._check('feed_type', feed_type, str, choices=[ 'active', 'passive', 'lce', 'sc'])), json={'filename': filename})