Source code for


The following methods allow for interaction into the Tenable Security Center
:sc-api:`File <File.htm>` API.

Methods available on ``sc.files``:

.. rst-class:: hide-signature
.. autoclass:: FileAPI
from requests_toolbelt.multipart.encoder import MultipartEncoder
from .base import SCEndpoint

[docs]class FileAPI(SCEndpoint): _path = 'file' _box = True
[docs] def upload(self, fobj): ''' Uploads a file into SecurityCenter and returns the file identifier to be used for subsequent calls. :sc-api:`file: upload <File.htm#FileRESTReference-/file/upload>` Args: fobj (FileObj): The file object to upload into SecurityCenter. Returns: :obj:`str`: The filename identifier to use for subsequent calls in Tenable Security Center. ''' encoder = MultipartEncoder({'Filedata': ('filedata', fobj)}) return self._post('upload', data=encoder, headers={'Content-Type': encoder.content_type} ).response.filename
[docs] def clear(self, filename): ''' Removes the requested file from Tenable Security Center. :sc-api:`file: clear <File.htm#FileRESTReference-/file/clear>` Args: filename (str): The file identifier associated to the file. Returns: :obj:`str`: The file location on disk that was removed. ''' return self._post('clear', json={'filename': filename} ).response.filename