Source code for


Methods described in this section relate to the category API.
These methods can be accessed at ``TenableAD.category``.

.. rst-class:: hide-signature
.. autoclass:: CategoryAPI
from typing import List, Dict
from import CategorySchema
from tenable.base.endpoint import APIEndpoint

[docs]class CategoryAPI(APIEndpoint): _path = 'categories' _schema = CategorySchema()
[docs] def list(self) -> List[Dict]: ''' Retrieves the list of categories in the instance. Returns: list: Returns a list of categories. Examples: >>> tad.category.list() ''' return self._schema.load(self._get(), many=True)
[docs] def details(self, category_id: str) -> Dict: ''' Retrieves the details of particlar category bases on category_id. Args: category_id (str): The category instance identifier. Returns: dict: Returns the details of a given ``category_id``. Examples: >>> tad.category.details(category_id='5') ''' return self._schema.load(self._get(f'{category_id}'))