
Methods described in this section relate to the plugins API. These methods can be accessed at TenableOT.plugins.

class PluginsAPI(api: APISession)[source]
list(query: str = '\nquery plugins(\n  $filter: PluginExpressionsParams\n  $search: String\n  $sort: [PluginSortParams!]!\n  $limit: Int\n  $startAt: String\n) {\n  plugins(\n    filter: $filter\n    search: $search\n    sort: $sort\n    first: $limit\n    after: $startAt\n  ) {\n    pageInfo {\n      endCursor\n    }\n    nodes {\n      id\n      name\n      source\n      family\n      severity\n      vprScore\n      comment\n      owner\n      totalAffectedAssets\n      affectedAssets {\n        nodes {\n          id\n          name\n        }\n      }\n    }\n  }\n}\n', query_filter: dict | None = None, search: str | None = None, sort: List[dict] | None = None, start_at: str | None = None, limit: int | None = 200, **kwargs) OTGraphIterator[source]

Retrieves a list of plugins via the GraphQL API.

  • query (str) – A GraphQL query .

  • query_filter (dict, optional) – A document as defined by Tenable OT Security online documentation.

  • search (str, optional) – A search string to further limit the response.

  • sort (List[dict], optional) – A list of order documents, each of which must contain both the field and direction keys and may also contain the optional function key. Default sort is by descending id order. Please refer to Tenable OT Security online documentation for more information.

  • start_at (str, optional) – The cursor to start the scan from (the default is an empty cursor).

  • limit (int, optional) – Max number of objects that get retrieved per page (the default is 200).


An iterator object that will handle pagination of the data.

Return type:



>>>     for plugin in tot.plugins.list(limit=500):
plugin(plugin_id: int, **kwargs) OTGraphIterator[source]

Retrieve a specific plugin with additionals details by ID.


plugin_id (int)


An iterator object handling data pagination.

Return type:



>>>     tot.plugins.plugin(1)

alias of PluginsSchema