Source code for


Methods described in this section relate to the users API.
These methods can be accessed at ``TenableAD.users``.

.. rst-class:: hide-signature
.. autoclass:: UsersAPI
from typing import List, Dict
from marshmallow import INCLUDE
from restfly.utils import dict_merge
from tenable.base.endpoint import APIEndpoint
from .schema import UserSchema, UserInfoSchema

[docs]class UsersAPI(APIEndpoint): _path = 'users' _schema = UserSchema()
[docs] def list(self) -> List[Dict]: ''' Retrieve all users Returns: list: The list of users objects Examples: >>> tad.users.list() ''' return self._schema.load(self._get(), many=True, unknown=INCLUDE)
[docs] def create(self, name: str, email: str, password: str, **kwargs ) -> List[Dict]: ''' Create users Args: name (str): The name of new user. email (str): The email address of the user. password (str): The password for the new user. surname (optional, str): The surname of new user. department (optional, str): The department of user. biography (optional, str): The biography of user. active (optional, bool): is the user active? picture (optional, List[int]): The list of picture numbers Return: list[dict]: The created user objects Example: >>> tad.users.create( ... name='username', ... email='', ... password='user_password', ... active=True ... ) ''' payload = [ self._schema.dump(self._schema.load( dict_merge({ 'name': name, 'email': email, 'password': password }, kwargs) )) ] return self._schema.load( self._post(json=payload), many=True, unknown=INCLUDE)
[docs] def info(self) -> Dict: ''' Gets user information Return: dict: The user info object Example: >>> ''' schema = UserInfoSchema() return schema.load(self._get('whoami'), unknown=INCLUDE)
[docs] def details(self, user_id: str) -> Dict: ''' Retrieves the details for a specific user Args: user_id (str): The user instance identifier. Returns: dict: the user object. Examples: >>> tad.users.details('1') ''' return self._schema.load(self._get(f'{user_id}'), unknown=INCLUDE)
[docs] def update(self, user_id: str, **kwargs ) -> Dict: ''' Update an existing user Args: user_id (str): The user instance identifier. name (optional, str): The name of new user. email (optional, str): The email address of the user. password (optional, str): The password for the new user. surname (optional, str): The surname of new user. department (optional, str): The department of user. biography (optional, str): The biography of user. active (optional, bool): is the user active? picture (optional, List[int]): The list of picture numbers Returns: dict: The updated user object. Examples: >>> tad.users.update( ... user_id='1', ... name='EDITED' ... ) ''' payload = self._schema.dump(self._schema.load(kwargs)) return self._schema.load( self._patch(f"{user_id}", json=payload), unknown=INCLUDE)
[docs] def delete(self, user_id: str) -> None: ''' Delete an existing user Args: user_id (str): The user instance identifier. Returns: None: Examples: >>> tad.users.delete(user_id='1') ''' self._delete(f"{user_id}")
[docs] def create_password(self, email: str) -> None: ''' Sends an email to create new password Args: email (str): The email address of the user. Returns: None: Examples: >>> tad.users.create_password(email='') ''' payload = self._schema.dump(self._schema.load({ 'email': email })) self._post('forgotten-password', json=payload)
[docs] def retrieve_password(self, token: str, new_password: str ) -> None: ''' Retrieves a user password Args: token (str): user token. new_password (str): new password for user. Returns: None: Examples: >>> tad.users.retrieve_password( ... token='token', ... new_password='new_password' ... ) ''' payload = self._schema.dump(self._schema.load({ 'token': token, 'newPassword': new_password })) self._post('retrieve-password', json=payload)
[docs] def change_password(self, old_password: str, new_password: str ) -> None: ''' Update a user password Args: old_password (str): old password of user. new_password (str): new password of user. Returns: None: Examples: >>> tad.users.change_password( ... old_password='old_password', ... new_password='new_password' ... ) ''' payload = self._schema.dump(self._schema.load({ 'oldPassword': old_password, 'newPassword': new_password })) self._patch("password", json=payload)
[docs] def update_user_roles(self, user_id: str, roles: List[int] ) -> Dict: ''' Replace role list for user Args: user_id (str): The user instance identifier. roles (List[int]): The list of user role identifiers. Returns: dict: updated user roles object Examples: >>> tad.users.update_user_roles( ... user_id='1', ... roles=[1, 2, 3] ... ) ''' payload = self._schema.dump(self._schema.load({ 'roles': roles })) return self._schema.load(self._put(f'{user_id}/roles', json=payload))