Source code for


The following methods allow for interaction into the Tenable Vulnerability Management
:devportal:`assets <assets>` API endpoints.

Methods available on ``tio.assets``:

.. rst-class:: hide-signature
.. autoclass:: AssetsAPI
from import TIOEndpoint

[docs]class AssetsAPI(TIOEndpoint): ''' This will contain all methods related to Assets '''
[docs] def list(self): ''' Returns a list of assets. :devportal:`assets: list-assets <assets-list-assets>` Returns: :obj:`list`: List of asset records. Examples: >>> for asset in tio.assets.list(): ... pprint(asset) ''' return self._api.get('assets').json()['assets']
[docs] def delete(self, uuid): ''' Deletes the asset. :devportal:`workbenches: asset-delete <workbenches-asset-delete>` Args: asset_uuid (str): The unique identifier for the asset. Returns: :obj:`None`: Examples: >>> asset_id = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' >>> tio.asset.delete(asset_id) ''' self._api.delete('workbenches/assets/{}'.format( self._check('uuid', uuid, 'uuid')))
[docs] def details(self, uuid): ''' Retrieves the details about a specific asset. :devportal:`assets: asset-info <assets-asset-info>` Args: uuid (str): The UUID (unique identifier) for the asset. Returns: :obj:`dict`: Asset resource definition. Examples: >>> asset = tio.assets.details( ... '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000') ''' return self._api.get( 'assets/{}'.format( self._check('uuid', uuid, str) )).json()
[docs] def assign_tags(self, action, assets, tags): ''' Add/remove tags for asset(s). :devportal:`tags: assign-asset-tags <tags-assign-asset-tags>` Args: action (str): Specifies whether to add or remove tags. Valid values: add, remove. assets (List[str]): An array of asset UUIDs. tags (List[str]): An array of tag value UUIDs. Returns: :obj:`dict`: The job Resource record. Examples: >>> asset = tio.assets.assign_tags( ... 'add', ['00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'], ... ['00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000']) ''' return 'tags/assets/assignments', json={ 'action': self._check('action', action, str, choices=['add', 'remove']), 'assets': [self._check('asset', i, 'uuid') for i in assets], 'tags': [self._check('source', i, 'uuid') for i in tags] }).json()
[docs] def tags(self, uuid): ''' Retrieves the details about a specific asset. :devportal:`tags: asset-tags <tags-list-asset-tags>` Args: uuid (str): The UUID (unique identifier) for the asset. Returns: :obj:`dict`: Asset resource definition. Examples: >>> asset = tio.assets.tags( ... '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000') ''' return self._api.get( 'tags/assets/{}/assignments'.format( self._check('uuid', uuid, 'uuid') )).json()
[docs] def asset_import(self, source, *assets): ''' Imports asset information into Tenable Vulnerability Management from an external source. :devportal:`assets: import <assets-import>` Imports a list of asset definition dictionaries. Each asset record must contain at least one of the following attributes: ``fqdn``, ``ipv4``, ``netbios_name``, ``mac_address``. Each record may also contain additional properties. Args: *assets (dict): One or more asset definition dictionaries source (str): An identifier to be used to upload the assets. Returns: :obj:`str`: The job UUID. Examples: import single asset: >>> tio.assets.asset_import('example_source', { ... 'fqdn': [''], ... 'ipv4': [''], ... 'netbios_name': 'example', ... 'mac_address': ['00:00:00:00:00:00'] ... }) import multiple asset: >>> tio.assets.asset_import('multiple_asset_example_source', ... { ... 'fqdn': [''], ... 'ipv4': [''], ... 'netbios_name': 'example_one', ... 'mac_address': ['00:00:00:00:00:00'] ... },{ ... 'fqdn': [''], ... 'ipv4': [''], ... 'netbios_name': 'example_two', ... 'mac_address': ['00:00:00:00:00:00'] ... }) ''' # We will likely want to perform some more stringent checking of the # asset resources that are being defined, however a simple type check # should suffice for now. return 'import/assets', json={ 'assets': [self._check('asset', i, dict) for i in assets], 'source': self._check('source', source, str) }).json()['asset_import_job_uuid']
[docs] def list_import_jobs(self): ''' Returns a list of asset import jobs. :devportal:`assets: list-import-jobs <assets-list-import-jobs>` Returns: :obj:`list`: List of job records. Examples: >>> for job in tio.assets.list_import_jobs(): ... pprint(job) ''' return self._api.get('import/asset-jobs').json()['asset_import_jobs']
[docs] def import_job_details(self, uuid): ''' Returns the details about a specific asset import job. :devportal:`assets: import-job-info <assets-import-job-info>` uuid (str): The UUID (unique identifier) for the job. Returns: :obj:`dict`: The job Resource record. Examples: >>> job = tio.assets.import_job_details( ... '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000') >>> pprint(job) ''' return self._api.get( 'import/asset-jobs/{}'.format( self._check('uuid', uuid, str) )).json()
[docs] def move_assets(self, source, destination, targets): ''' Moves assets from the specified network to another network. :devportal:`assets: move-assets <assets-bulk-move>` source (str): The UUID of the network currently associated with the assets. destination (str): The UUID of the network to associate with the specified assets. targets (list): The IPv4 addresses of the assets to move. Returns: :obj:`int`: Returns the number of moved assets. Examples: >>> asset = tio.assets.move_assets('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', ... '10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001', [""]) >>> pprint(asset) ''' payload = { 'source': self._check('source', source, 'uuid'), 'destination': self._check('destination', destination, 'uuid'), 'targets': ','.join(self._check('targets', targets, list)) } return'api/v2/assets/bulk-jobs/move-to-network', json=payload).json()
[docs] def bulk_delete(self, *filters, hard_delete=None, filter_type=None): ''' Deletes the specified assets. :devportal:`assets: bulk_delete <assets-bulk-delete>` Args: *filters (tuple): A defined filter tuple consisting of the name, operator, and value. Example: ``('host.hostname', 'match', '')``. filter_type (str, optional): If multiple filters are defined, the filter_type toggles the behavior as to how these filters are used. Either all the filters have to match (``AND``) or any of the filters have to match (``OR``). If not specified, the default behavior is to assume filter_type is ``AND``. hard_delete (bool, optional): Should the assets be completely removed with all related data? Returns: :obj:`dict`: Returns the number of deleted assets. Examples: >>> asset = tio.assets.bulk_delete( ... ('host.hostname', 'match', ''), filter_type='or') >>> pprint(asset) ''' payload = dict() # run the rules through the filter parser... filter_type = self._check('filter_type', filter_type, str, choices=['and', 'or'], default='and', case='lower') parsed = self._parse_filters( filters, self._api.filters.workbench_asset_filters(), rtype='assets')['asset'] if hard_delete: payload['hard_delete'] = self._check('hard_delete', hard_delete, bool) payload['query'] = {filter_type: parsed} return'api/v2/assets/bulk-jobs/delete', json=payload).json()
[docs] def update_acr(self, assets_uuid_list, reason, value, note=""): """ Updates ACR for the provided asset UUID's with reason(s). Args: assets_uuid_list (list): Asset UUID's which are being updated. reason (list): List of reason(s). value (str): New ACR value for assets, ranging from 1 - 10. note (str): Additional note if any. Returns: :obj:`int`: Status code for the request. Examples: >>> tio.assets.update_acr( ... ['00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001'], ... ['Other'], 1, 'some notes') """ asset_uuids = [] for asset_uuid in assets_uuid_list: asset_uuids.append({"id": asset_uuid}) note = note + " - pyTenable" payload = [{"acr_score": int(value), "reason": reason, "asset": asset_uuids, "note": note}] return'api/v2/assets/bulk-jobs/acr', json=payload).status_code