Source code for


The following methods allow for interaction into the Tenable Vulnerability Management
Container Security :devportal:`images <cs-v2-images>` API endpoints.

Methods available on ``tio.cs.images``:

.. rst-class:: hide-signature
.. autoclass:: ImagesAPI
from typing_extensions import Literal
from typing import Optional, Dict, Union
from restfly.utils import dict_clean
from tenable.base.endpoint import APIEndpoint
from import CSIterator

[docs]class ImagesAPI(APIEndpoint): _path = 'container-security/api/v2/images' _box = True _box_attrs = {'camel_killer_box': True}
[docs] def list(self, # noqa: PLC0103,PLR0913 name: Optional[str] = None, repo: Optional[str] = None, tag: Optional[str] = None, has_malware: Optional[bool] = None, score: Optional[int] = None, score_operator: Optional[Literal['EQ', 'GT', 'LT']] = None, os: Optional[str] = None, offset: int = 0, limit: int = 1000, return_json: bool = False ) -> Union[Dict, CSIterator]: ''' Returns the list of images stored within Container Security. :devportal:`API Documentation <container-security-v2-list-images>` Args: name (str, optional): Image name to filter on. Filter is case-sensitive and enforces an exact match. repo (str, optional): Repository name to filter on. Filter is case-sensitive and enforces an exact match. tag (str, optional): Tag to filter on. Filter is case-sensitive and enforces an exact match. has_malware (bool, optional): Specifies whether to return only images with malware associated to them. score (int, optional): The score value to filter on. score_operator (str, optional): The score operator to use with the score value. Supported operations are ``EQ`` (equal), ``GT`` (greater-than), and ``LT`` (less-than). os (str, optional): The operating system to filter on. Filter is case-sensitive and enforces an exact match. offset (int, optional): The number of records to skip before starting to return data. limit (int, optional): The number of records to return for each page of data. return_json (bool, optional): If set, then the response will instead be a Dict object instead of an iterable. Examples: Using the default iterable: >>> for image in tio.cs.images.list(): ... print(image) Getting the raw JSON response: >>> resp = tio.cs.images.list(return_json=True) >>> for item in resp['items']: ... print(item) ''' params = dict_clean({ 'offset': offset, 'limit': limit, 'name': name, 'repo': repo, 'tag': tag, 'hasMalware': has_malware, 'score': score, 'scoreOperator': score_operator, 'os': os }) if return_json: return self._get(params=params) return CSIterator(self._api, _path=self._path, _params=params, _limit=limit, _offset=offset )
[docs] def details(self, repository: str, image: str, tag: str) -> Dict: ''' Returns the details for the specified image. :devportal:`API Documentation <container-security-v2-get-image-details>` # noqa: E501 Args: repository (str): The repository name. image (str): The image name. tag (str): The tag name. Examples: >>> tio.cs.images.details('centos', '7', 'latest') ''' return self._get(f'{repository}/{image}/{tag}')
[docs] def delete(self, repository: str, image: str, tag: str) -> None: ''' Deleted the specified image. :devportal:`API Documentation <container-security-v2-delete-image>` Args: repository (str): The repository name. image (str): The image name. tag (str): The tag name. Examples: >>> tio.cs.images.delete('centos', '7', 'latest') ''' self._delete(f'{repository}/{image}/{tag}')