Source code for

Remediation Scans

The following methods allow for interaction into the Tenable Vulnerability Management
:devportal:`Remediation scan create <io-scans-remediation-creates>` API endpoints.
:devportal:`Remediation scan list <io-scans-remediation-list>` API endpoints.

Methods available on ``tio.remediation_scans``:

.. rst-class:: hide-signature
.. autoclass:: RemediationScansAPI

from tenable.constants import IOConstants
from tenable.errors import UnexpectedValueError
from import TIOEndpoint, TIOIterator
from tenable.utils import dict_merge

class RemediationScansIteratorV2(TIOIterator):
    The Remediation scans iterator provides a scalable way to work through
    scan history result sets of any size. The iterator will walk through
    each page of data, returning one record at a time.  If it reaches the
    end of a page of records, then it will request the next page of
    information and then continue to return records from the next page
    (and the next, and the next) until the counter reaches the total number
    of records that the API has reported.

        count (int): The current number of records that have been returned
        page (list):
            The current page of data being walked through.  pages will be
            cycled through as the iterator requests more information from the
        page_count (int): The number of record returned from the current page.
        total (int):
            The total number of records that exist for the current request.

[docs]class RemediationScansAPI(TIOEndpoint):
[docs] def list_remediation_scan(self, limit=50, offset=0, sortval='scan_creation_date:desc'): ''' Retrieve the list of Remediation scans. :devportal:`scans: list_remediation_scan <io-scans-remediation-list>` Args: limit (int, optional): This value needs to be between 0 and 200 offset (int, optional): This value needs to be > 0 sort (str, optional): scan_creation_date:desc/scan_creation_date:asc Returns the remediation scan list with the ascending or descending order with offset and limit Returns: :obj:`RemediationScansIteratorV2`: An iterator that handles the page management of the requested records. Examples: >>> for remediation_scan in tio.scans.list(): ... pprint(remediation_scan) For further information on credentials, what settings to use, etc, refer to `this doc <>`_ # noqa: E501 on the developer portal. ''' params = dict() pages = None if limit>0 and limit < 200: params['limit'] = self._check('limit', limit, int) if offset >= 0: params['offset'] = self._check('offset', offset, int) if 'scan_creation_date:asc' or 'scan_creation_date:desc' in sortval: params['sort'] = self._check('sort', sortval, str) return RemediationScansIteratorV2(self._api, _limit=limit, _offset=offset, _pages_total=pages, _query=params, _path='scans/remediation', _resource='scans')
[docs] def create_remediation_scan(self, **kwargs): ''' Create a new remediation scan. :devportal:`scans: create_remediation_scan <io-scans-remediation-create>` # noqa: E501 Args: uuid (str, optional): UUID of Remediation scan template name (str): The name of the remediation scan to create. description (str, optional): The name of the scan to create. policy (int, optional): The id or title of the scan policy to use (if not using one of the pre-defined templates). Specifying a a policy id will override the the template parameter. scanner_id (str, optional): The unique id of the scanner to use. Use the GET /scanners endpoint to find the scanner ID. You can use the special value AUTO-ROUTED to assign scan targets to scanner groups based on the groups' configured scan routes. target_network_uuid (str, optional): For remediation scans, enter a valid target network UUID from a previous scan you wish to remediate. scan_time_window (int, optional): The time frame, in minutes, during which agents must transmit scan results to Tenable Vulnerability Management in order to be included in dashboards and reports. If your request omits this parameter, the default value is 180 minutes. For non-agent scans, this attribute is null. text_targets (str, optional): The List of targets to scan targets (list, optional): If defined, then a list of targets can be specified and will be formatted to an appropriate text_target attribute. A list of targets to scan target_groups (list[int]): For remediation scans, enter a valid target group ID from a previous scan you wish to remediate. file_targets (string, optional): The name of a file containing the list of targets to scan. tag_targets (list[str], optional): The list of asset tag identifiers that the scan uses to determine which assets it evaluates agent_group_id (list[str], optional): An array of agent group UUIDs to scan. emails (list[str], optional): A comma-separated list of accounts that receive the email summary report. acls (list[dict], optional): A list of dictionaries containing permissions to apply to the scan. credentials (dict, optional): A list of credentials to use. enabled_plugins (list, optional): A list of plugins IDs to add to a remediation scan. **kw (dict, optional): The various parameters that can be passed to the scan creation API. Examples would be `name`, `email`, `scanner_id`, etc. For more detailed information, please refer to the API documentation linked above. Further, any keyword arguments passed that are not explicitly documented will be automatically appended to the settings document. There is no need to pass settings directly. Returns: :obj:`dict`: The scan resource record of the newly created remediation scan. Examples: Create remediation scan: >>> scan = tio.remediationscans.create_remediation_scan( ... uuid='76d67790-2969-411e-a9d0-667f05e8d49e', ... name='Create Remediation Scan', ... description='Remediation scan created', ... scanner_id='10167769', ... scan_time_window=10, ... targets=[''], ... template='advanced') For further information on credentials, what settings to use, etc, refer to `this doc <>`_ on the developer portal. ''' if 'template' not in kwargs: kwargs['template'] = 'advanced' scan = self._create_scan_document(kwargs) # Run the API call and return the result to the caller. return'scans/remediation', json=scan).json()['scan']
def _create_scan_document(self, kwargs): ''' Takes the key-worded arguments and will provide a scan settings document based on the values inputted. Args: kwargs (dict): The keyword dict passed from the user Returns: :obj:`dict`: The resulting scan document based on the kwargs provided. ''' scan = { 'settings': dict(), } # If a template is specified, then we will pull the listing of available # templates and set the policy UUID to match the template name given. if 'template' in kwargs: templates = self._api.policies.templates() scan['uuid'] = templates[self._check( 'template', kwargs['template'], str, default='advanced', choices=list(templates.keys()) )] del kwargs['template'] # If a policy UUID is sent, then we will set the scan template UUID to # be the UUID that was specified. if 'policy' in kwargs: policies = self._api.policies.list() match = False # Here we are going to iterate over each policy in the list, looking # to see if we see a match in either the name or the id. If we do # find a match, then we will use the first one that matches, pull # the editor config, and then use the policy id and scan policy # template uuid. for item in policies: if kwargs['policy'] in [item['name'], item['id']] and not match: policy_tmpl = self._api.editor.details('scan/policy', item['id']) scan['uuid'] = policy_tmpl['uuid'] scan['settings']['policy_id'] = item['id'] match = True # if no match was discovered, then raise an invalid warning. if not match: raise UnexpectedValueError('policy setting is invalid.') del kwargs['policy'] # if the scanner attribute was set, then we will attempt to figure out # what scanner to use. if 'scanner' in kwargs: scanners = self._api.scanners.allowed_scanners() # We will want to attempt to enumerate the scanner list and if # we see a name match, replace the scanner name with the UUID # of the scanner instead. for item in scanners: if item['name'] == kwargs['scanner']: kwargs['scanner'] = item['id'] # we will always want to attempt to use the UUID first as it's # the cheapest check that we can run. scan['settings']['scanner_id'] = self._check( 'scanner', kwargs['scanner'], 'scanner-uuid', choices=[s['id'] for s in scanners]) del kwargs['scanner'] # If the targets parameter is specified, then we will need to convert # the list of targets to a comma-delimited string and then set the # text_targets parameter with the result. if 'targets' in kwargs: scan['settings']['text_targets'] = ','.join(self._check( 'targets', kwargs['targets'], list)) del kwargs['targets'] # For credentials, we will simply push the dictionary as-is into the # the credentials.add sub-document. if 'credentials' in kwargs: scan['credentials'] = {'add': dict()} scan['credentials']['add'] = self._check( 'credentials', kwargs['credentials'], dict) del kwargs['credentials'] # Just like with credentials, we will push the dictionary as-is into the # correct sub-document of the scan definition. if 'compliance' in kwargs: scan['audits'] = self._check('compliance', kwargs['compliance'], dict) del kwargs['compliance'] # for enabled_plugins, we will push the list of plugin ids as-is into the # correct sub-document of the scan definition. if 'enabled_plugins' in kwargs: scan['enabled_plugins'] = [ self._check('plugin_id', plugin_id, int) for plugin_id in self._check('enabled_plugins', kwargs['enabled_plugins'], list)] del kwargs['enabled_plugins'] # any other remaining keyword arguments will be passed into the settings # sub-document. The bulk of the data should go here... scan['settings'] = dict_merge(scan['settings'], kwargs) return scan