Source code for


The following methods allow for interaction into the Tenable Vulnerability Management
:devportal:`WAS <was>` API endpoints.

Methods available on ``tio.was``:

.. rst-class:: hide-signature
.. autoclass:: WasAPI

from import TIOEndpoint, TIOIterator
from import WasIterator
from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple

[docs]class WasAPI(TIOEndpoint): """ This class contains methods related to WAS. """
[docs] def export(self, **kwargs) -> WasIterator: """ Export Web Application Scan Results based on filters applied. Args: single_filter (tuple): A single filter to apply to the scan configuration search. This is a tuple with three elements - field, operator, and value in that order. and_filter (list): An array of filters that must all be satisfied. This is a list of tuples with three elements - field, operator, and value in that order. or_filter (list): An array of filters where at least one must be satisfied. This is a list of tuples with three elements - field, operator, and value in that order. Returns: WasIterator Examples: Passing AND filter to the API >>> was_iterator = tio.was.export( ... and_filter=[ ... ("scans_started_at", "gte", "2023/03/24"), ... ("scans_status", "contains", ["completed"]) ... ] ... ) ... ... for finding in was_iterator: ... print(finding) """ # Get scan configuration iterator. scan_config = self._search_scan_configurations(**kwargs) # Iterate through the scan configs and collect the parent scan IDs and the finalized_at param. # This finalized_at property belonging to the parent will be passed down to its children's findings. parent_scan_ids_with_finalized_at = [_parent_id_with_finalized_at(sc) for sc in scan_config if sc] # initialize parent_scan_ids_with_finalized_at if it's empty. if not parent_scan_ids_with_finalized_at: parent_scan_ids_with_finalized_at = [] self._log.debug(f"We have {len(parent_scan_ids_with_finalized_at)} parent scan ID(s) to process.") # Fetch the target scans info for all the above parent scan IDs, and flatten it. # We need to flatten because, each parent ID will have multiple target scans. self._log.debug(f"Fetching Target scan IDs for {len(parent_scan_ids_with_finalized_at)} parent scan ID(s)") target_scans = [scan for p in parent_scan_ids_with_finalized_at for scan in self._get_target_scan_ids_for_parent(p)] # Iterate through the target scans info and collect the target scan IDs. target_scan_ids_with_parent_finalized_at = [_target_id_with_parent_finalized_at(ts) for ts in target_scans if ts] self._log.debug(f"We have {len(target_scan_ids_with_parent_finalized_at)} target scan(s) to process.") return WasIterator( api=self._api.was, target_scan_ids=target_scan_ids_with_parent_finalized_at )
[docs] def download_scan_report(self, scan_uuid: str) -> Dict: """ Downloads the individual target scan results. Args: scan_uuid (str): UUID of the scan whose report to download. """ return self._api.get( path=f"was/v2/scans/{scan_uuid}/report", headers={ "Content-Type": "application/json" } ).json()
def _search_scan_configurations(self, **kwargs) -> TIOIterator: """ Returns a list of web application scan configurations based on the provided filter parameters. """ payload = dict() # Either single_filter should be passed alone. Or, any or all of these [and_filter, or_filter] can be passed. if "single_filter" in kwargs and (("and_filter" in kwargs) or ("or_filter" in kwargs)): raise AttributeError("single_filter cannot be passed alongside and_filter or or_filter.") if "single_filter" in kwargs: payload = _tuple_to_filter(kwargs["single_filter"]) if "and_filter" in kwargs: payload["AND"] = [_tuple_to_filter(t) for t in kwargs["and_filter"]] if "or_filter" in kwargs: payload["OR"] = [_tuple_to_filter(t) for t in kwargs["or_filter"]] self._log.debug(f"Fetching the scan configuration information with filters: {payload} ...") return TIOIterator( self._api, _limit=self._check('limit', 200, int), _offset=self._check('offset', 0, int), _query=dict(), _path='was/v2/configs/search', _method="POST", _payload=payload, _resource='items' ) def _get_target_scan_ids_for_parent(self, parent: dict) -> Dict: """ Returns the vulns by target scans of the given parent scan ID. """ # This method does not have an iterator and is not public as the API it invokes has not been publicly documented. # However, the API is in use in the Tenable Vulnerability Management UI. parent_scan_id = parent["parent_scan_id"] parent_finalized_at = parent["parent_finalized_at"] offset = 0 limit = 200 # initialize the flattened responses list flattened_list = [] while True: # Fetch the page response = path=f"was/v2/scans/{parent_scan_id}/vulnerabilities/by-targets/search?limit={limit}&offset={offset}" ).json() # Collect the items; flatten; and write to the flattened list (extend). items_in_response = response["items"] items = [{ "items": item, "parent_finalized_at": parent_finalized_at } for item in items_in_response] flattened_list.extend(items) # Increment the page number by limit offset += limit if not items_in_response: self._log.debug(f"Stopping the iteration as we encountered an empty response from the API.") break self._log.debug(f"Parent ID: {parent_scan_id} has {len(flattened_list)} target ID(s).") return flattened_list
def _tuple_to_filter(t: Tuple[str, str, Any]) -> Dict: """ Accepts a tuple with three elements, and returns a filter object. """ return {"field": t[0], "operator": t[1], "value": t[2]} def _parent_id_with_finalized_at(scan_config: dict): return { "parent_scan_id": scan_config["last_scan"]["scan_id"], "parent_finalized_at": scan_config["last_scan"]["finalized_at"] } def _target_id_with_parent_finalized_at(target_scan: dict): return { "target_scan_id": target_scan["items"]["scan"]["scan_id"], "parent_finalized_at": target_scan["parent_finalized_at"] }