Source code for tenable.nessus.files


Methods described in this section relate to the files API.
These methods can be accessed at ``Nessus.files``.

.. rst-class:: hide-signature
.. autoclass:: FilesAPI
from tenable.base.endpoint import APIEndpoint
from typing import Optional, Callable, Dict
from requests import Response
from io import BytesIO

[docs]class FilesAPI(APIEndpoint): _path = 'file'
[docs] def upload(self, fobj: BytesIO, encrypted: bool = False) -> str: ''' Uploads a file to Tenable Nessus Args: fobj (BytesIO): The file object to upload encrypted (bool, optional): Is the file encrypted? Returns: str: File identifier to be used in future calls. Example: >>> with open('example.txt', 'rb') as fobj: ... fn = nessus.files.upload(fobj) ''' return self._post('upload', data={'no_enc': int(encrypted)}, files={'Filedata': fobj} )['fileuploaded']
def _download(self, response: Response, fobj: Optional[BytesIO] = None, chunk_size: int = 1024, stream_hook: Optional[Callable[[Response, BytesIO, int ], BytesIO ]] = None, hook_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None ) -> BytesIO: ''' File download manager for Tenable Nessus Args: response (Response): The Response object to work on fobj (BytesIO, optional): The file object to write to. If unspecified, an in-memory object will be created and returned chunk_size (int, optional): The chunk size to use when writing to the file object. The default is unspecified is ``1024`` bytes. stream_hook (Callable[Response, BytesIO, int], optional): If specified, the output will be passed to the stream hook instead of processing ourselves. hook_kwargs (Dict, optional): Any additional keyword arguments that should be passed on to the stream hook. Returns: BytesIO: The file object ''' def base_hook(resp: Response, fobj: BytesIO, chunk_size: int, **kwargs ): ''' Default stream hook ''' for chunk in resp.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size): if chunk: fobj.write(chunk) # Set the default attributes values if nothing was passed to them if fobj is None: fobj = BytesIO() if hook_kwargs is None: hook_kwargs = {} if stream_hook is None: stream_hook = base_hook # Call the stream hook with the Response object passed to us stream_hook(response, fobj, chunk_size, **hook_kwargs) # seek the file back to the beginning, close the response, and return # the file object to the caller response.close() return fobj