Source code for tenable.nessus.scans


Methods described in this section relate to the scans API.
These methods can be accessed at ``Nessus.scans``.

.. rst-class:: hide-signature
.. autoclass:: ScansAPI
from typing import Dict, List, Optional
from io import BytesIO
from restfly.utils import dict_clean
from tenable.base.endpoint import APIEndpoint
from .schema.scans import ScanExportSchema

[docs]class ScansAPI(APIEndpoint): _path = 'scans'
[docs] def attachment(self, scan_id: int, attachment_id: int, key: str, fobj: Optional[BytesIO] = None ) -> BytesIO: ''' Returns the requested attachment file Args: scan_id (int): The Scan to fetch from attachment_id (int): The id of the scan attachment key (str): The access token for the attachment fobj (BytesIO, optional): File object to write to Returns: BytesIO: The file object requested Example: >>> with open('example.png', 'wb') as image_file: ... nessus.scans.attachment(1, 1, 'something', image_file) ''' if not fobj: fobj = BytesIO() resp = self._get(f'{scan_id}/attachments/{attachment_id}', params={'key': key}, stream=True ) for chunk in resp.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: fobj.write(chunk) resp.close() return fobj
[docs] def configure(self, scan_id: int, **kwargs) -> None: ''' Reconfigures an existing scan. Args: scan_id (int): Id of the scan to modify **kwargs: the various settings to pass Return: Dict: The updated scan object Example: >>> nessus.scans.configure(1, settings={ ... 'name': 'Example Scan', ... 'enabled': True, ... 'text_targets': '' ... }) ''' return self._put(f'{scan_id}', json=kwargs)
[docs] def copy(self, scan_id: int, folder_id: Optional[int] = None, name: Optional[str] = None ) -> Dict: ''' Copies the scan object Args: scan_id (int): Id of the scan to copy folder_id (int, optional): Id of the destination folder name (str, optional): Name of the copied scan Returns: Dict: The copied scan object Example: >>> nessus.scans.copy(1) ''' return self._post(f'{scan_id}/copy', json=dict_clean({ 'folder_id': folder_id, 'name': name }))
[docs] def create(self, **kwargs) -> Dict: ''' Creates a new scan Args: **kwargs: The parameters to pass to the API to create the scan. For information on what to pass here, consult the API documentation Returns: Dict: The created scan object Example: >>> nessus.scans.create(uuid='abcdef12345667890abcdef', settings={ 'name': 'Example Scan', 'enabled': False, 'text_targets': '' }) ''' return self._post(json=kwargs)
[docs] def delete(self, scan_id: int) -> None: ''' Deletes the specified scan object Args: scan_id (int): Id of the scan to delete Example: >>> nessus.scans.delete(1) ''' self._delete(f'{scan_id}')
[docs] def delete_many(self, scan_ids: List[int]) -> List: ''' Deletes multiple scan objects Args: scan_ids (List[int]): List of scan ids to delete Returns: List: list of deleted scans Example: >>> nessus.scans.delete_many([1, 2, 3]) ''' return self._delete(json={'ids': scan_ids})['deleted']
[docs] def delete_history(self, scan_id: int, history_id: int) -> None: ''' Deletes the specified history object within a scan. Args: scan_id (int): The scan to modify history_id (int): Id of the history object to remove Example: >>> nessus.scans.delete_history(1, 1) ''' self._delete(f'{scan_id}/history/{history_id}')
[docs] def details(self, scan_id: int) -> Dict: ''' Returns the details for the specified scan. Args: scan_id (int): Id of the scan to retrieve Example: >>> nessus.scans.details(1) ''' return self._get(f'{scan_id}')
[docs] def export_formats(self, scan_id: int, schedule_id: Optional[int] = None ) -> Dict: ''' Returns the available export formats and report options. Args: scan_id (int): The scan to export schedule_id (int, optional): The schedule id associated with the scan Returns: Dict: The available export and report options Example: >>> nessus.scans.export_formats(1) ''' return self._get(f'{scan_id}/export/formats', params=dict_clean({ 'schedule_id': schedule_id }))
[docs] def export_scan(self, scan_id: int, history_id: Optional[int] = None, fobj: Optional[BytesIO] = None, **kwargs ) -> BytesIO: ''' Generate a scan export or report and download it. Args: scan_id (int): The id of the scan to export. history_id (int, optional): The history id of the specific point in time to export. fobj (BytexIO, optional): The file object to write the exported file to. If none is specified then a BytesIO object is written to in memory. filters (list[tuple], optional): The filters to apply to the exported data. format (str, optional): The exported scan format. Supported values are ``nessus``, ``html``, ``csv``, and ``db``. If unspecified, the default is ``nessus``. password (str, optional): The password to apply to the exported data (required for db). template_id (int, optional): When exporting in HTML or PDF, what report definition should the exported data be represented within. chunk_size (int, optional): The chunk sizing for the download itself. stream_hook (callable, optional): Overload the default downloading behavior with a custom stream hook. hook_kwargs (dict, optional): keyword arguments to pass to the stream_hook callable in addition to the default passed params. ''' dlopts = { 'fobj': fobj, 'chunk_size': kwargs.pop('chunk_size', None), 'stream_hook': kwargs.pop('stream_hook', None), 'hook_kwargs': kwargs.pop('hook_kwargs', None) } schema = ScanExportSchema() payload = dict_clean(schema.dump(schema.load(kwargs))) token = self._post(f'{scan_id}/export', params=dict_clean({'history_id': history_id}), json=payload )['token'] return self._api.tokens._fetch(token, **dlopts) # noqa PLW0212
[docs] def import_scan(self, fobj: Optional[BytesIO] = None, file_id: Optional[str] = None, folder_id: Optional[int] = None, password: Optional[str] = None ) -> Dict: ''' Import a scan report into the Tenable Nessus scanner. Either a file object or a file_id must be specified. Args: fobj (BytesIO, optional): The file object to import. file_id (str, optional): The id of the already uploaded file object to import. folder_id (int, optional): The folder that the imported scan should reside within. password (str, optional): If the file object is encrypted, this password will be used to decrypt. Example: >>> with open('Example.nessus', 'rb') as reportfile: ... nessus.scans.import_scan(reportfile) ''' if not file_id: file_id = self._api.files.upload(fobj) return self._post('import', json=dict_clean({ 'file': file_id, 'folder_id': folder_id, 'password': password }))
[docs] def kill(self, scan_id: int) -> None: ''' Forcefully terminate the currently running scan. Args: scan_id (int): The id of the scan to terminate. Example: >>> nessus.scans.kill(1) ''' self._post(f'{scan_id}/kill')
[docs] def launch(self, scan_id: int, alt_targets: Optional[List[str]] = None ) -> str: ''' Launch a configured scan. Args: scan_id (int): The id of the scan to launch. alt_targets (list[str], optional): A List of alternative targets to run the scan against. Example: >>> nessus.scan.launch(1) ''' return self._post(f'{scan_id}/launch', json=dict_clean({'alt_targets': alt_targets}) )['scan_uuid']
[docs] def list(self, folder_id: Optional[int] = None, last_modification_date: Optional[int] = None ) -> Dict: ''' List of the available scan objects. Args: folder_id (int, optional): Restrict the results to only the specified folder id. last_modification_date (int, optional): Restrict the results to only scans modified after the specified timestamp. Example: >>> for scan in nessus.scans.list(): ... print(scan) ''' return self._get(params=dict_clean({ 'folder_id': folder_id, 'last_modification_date': last_modification_date }))
[docs] def pause(self, scan_id: int) -> None: ''' Pauses a currently running scans. Args: scan_id (int): The id of the scan to pause. Example: >>> nessus.scans.pause(1) ''' self._post(f'{scan_id}/pause')
[docs] def plugin_output(self, scan_id: int, host_id: int, plugin_id: int, history_id: Optional[int] = None ) -> Dict: ''' Returns the plugin output for a specific finding within a scan. Args: scan_id (int): The id of the scan host_id (int): The id of the host within the scan plugin_id (int): The plugin id of the finding on the host history_id (int, optional): The id of the history object within the scan. Returns: Dict: The restuls of the specific finding specified. Example: >>> nessus.scans.plugin_output(1, 1, 19506) ''' return self._get(f'{scan_id}/hosts/{host_id}/plugins/{plugin_id}', params=dict_clean({'history_id': history_id}) )
[docs] def read_status(self, scan_id: int, read: bool) -> None: ''' Sets the read status for the given scan. Args: scan_id (int): The id of the scan to modify read (bool): Is the scan read? Example: >>> nessus.scans.read_status(1, True) ''' self._put(f'{scan_id}/status', params={'read': str(read).lower()})
[docs] def resume(self, scan_id: int) -> None: ''' Resumes a paused scan. Args: scan_id (int): The id of the scan to resume. Example: >>> nessus.scans.resume(1) ''' self._post(f'{scan_id}/resume')
[docs] def schedule(self, scan_id: int, enabled: bool) -> Dict: ''' Enables/Disables the scan schedule for the given scan. Args: scan_id (int): The id of the scan to modify enabled (bool): Should the scan schedule be enabled? Returns: Dict: The scan schedule settings. ''' return self._put(f'{scan_id}/schedule', params={'enabled': str(enabled).lower()} )
[docs] def stop(self, scan_id: int) -> None: ''' Stops a running scan Args: scan_id (int): The id of the scan to stop. Example: >>> nessus.scans.stop(1) ''' return self._post(f'{scan_id}/stop')
[docs] def timezones(self) -> List[Dict]: ''' Returns the currently configured timezone data Returns: List[Dict]: List of timezone objects Example: >>> nessus.scans.timezones() ''' return self._get('timezones')['timezones']