Source code for tenable.ot.exports.api

Data Export Helper

The methods exposed within the export module are designed to mimick the same
structure that Tenable Vulnerability Management uses for exporting data.
These methods ultimately translate to GraphQL queries and then are fed to the
Tenable OT API.

.. rst-class:: hide-signature
.. autoclass:: ExportsAPI
from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Union, Any
from tenable.base.endpoint import APIEndpoint
from tenable.ot.exports.iterator import OTExportsIterator, OTFindingsIterator
from tenable.ot.exports import queries

[docs]class ExportsAPI(APIEndpoint): def _list(self, query: str, model: str, limit: int = 200, return_json: bool = False, filter_type: str = 'And', filters: Optional[List[Dict]] = None, default_filters: Optional[List[Dict]] = None, sort: Optional[List[Dict]] = None, search: Optional[str] = None, start_at: Optional[str] = None, iterable: Optional[Any] = OTExportsIterator, **kwargs ) -> Any: """ Base listing method to be used for the exports. Args: query (str): The GraphQL Query to run model (str): The GraphQL Model that is to be returned from the API. This name is what is used by the iterator to traverse the data page. limit (int, optional): The number of objects to be returned per page. sort (list[dict], optional): A list of sort parameters to be passed to sort the responses. search (str, optional): Search string start_at (str, optional): Start returning data after this object id. filters (list[dict], optional): List of filters to apply to restict the response to only the desired items. filter_type (str, optional): When passing multiple filters, how should the filters be applied to the dataset? Acceptable values are `And` and `Or`. return_json (bool, optional): If `True`, then the instead of an iterator, the json response will be returned instead. default_filters (list[dict], optional): The default filters to appllied to the query first. This is mainly used by the caller as part of passing through the filters parameter as well. iterable: (object, optional): The iterable object to return to the caller. Returns: Union[OTExportsIterator, dict]: By default the method will return an iterator that will handle pagination and return a single item at a time. If return_json is set to `True` however, then the JSON response will be returned instead for that page. """ default_filters = [] if default_filters is None else default_filters filters = [] if filters is None else filters sort = [] if sort is None else sort # Iterate over the default filters and add them to the filter list # if they don't exist. for default_filter in default_filters: field = default_filter['field'] if field not in [f.get('field') for f in filters]: filters.append(default_filter) filter = filters[0] if filters else None if len(filters) > 1: filter = { 'op': 'And', 'expressions': filters } variables = { 'search': search, 'sort': sort, 'startAt': start_at, 'limit': limit, 'filter': filter, } if return_json: return self._api.query(query=query, variables=variables, **kwargs ) return iterable(self._api, _model=model, _query=query, _variables=variables, **kwargs )
[docs] def assets(self, filters: Optional[List[Dict]] = None, sort: Optional[List[Dict]] = None, search: Optional[str] = None, start_at: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 200, filter_type: str = 'And', return_json: bool = False, ) -> Union[OTExportsIterator, Dict]: """ Assets Export Args: limit (int, optional): The number of objects to be returned per page. sort (list[dict], optional): A list of sort parameters to be passed to sort the responses. search (str, optional): Search string start_at (str, optional): Start returning data after this object id. filters (list[dict], optional): List of filters to apply to restict the response to only the desired items. filter_type (str, optional): When passing multiple filters, how should the filters be applied to the dataset? Acceptable values are `And` and `Or`. return_json (bool, optional): If `True`, then the instead of an iterator, the json response will be returned instead. Returns: Union[OTExportsIterator, dict]: By default the method will return an iterator that will handle pagination and return a single item at a time. If return_json is set to `True` however, then the JSON response will be returned instead for that page. Example: >>> for asset in tot.exports.assets(): ... print(asset) """ default_filters = [ {'op': 'Equal', 'field': 'hidden', 'values': 'false'} ] default_sort = [ {'field': 'risk', 'direction': 'DescNullLast'}, {'field': 'id', 'direction': 'AscNullLast'}, ] sort = default_sort if sort is None else sort return self._list(query=queries.ASSETS, model='assets', filters=filters, default_filters=default_filters, sort=sort, search=search, start_at=start_at, limit=limit, filter_type=filter_type, return_json=return_json, )
[docs] def plugins(self, filters: Optional[List[Dict]] = None, sort: Optional[List[Dict]] = None, search: Optional[str] = None, start_at: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 200, filter_type: str = 'And', return_json: bool = False, ) -> Union[OTExportsIterator, Dict]: """ Plugin Export Args: limit (int, optional): The number of objects to be returned per page. sort (list[dict], optional): A list of sort parameters to be passed to sort the responses. search (str, optional): Search string start_at (str, optional): Start returning data after this object id. filters (list[dict], optional): List of filters to apply to restict the response to only the desired items. filter_type (str, optional): When passing multiple filters, how should the filters be applied to the dataset? Acceptable values are `And` and `Or`. return_json (bool, optional): If `True`, then the instead of an iterator, the json response will be returned instead. Returns: Union[OTExportsIterator, dict]: By default the method will return an iterator that will handle pagination and return a single item at a time. If return_json is set to `True` however, then the JSON response will be returned instead for that page. Example: >>> for plugin in tot.exports.plugins(): ... print(plugin) """ return self._list(query=queries.PLUGINS, model='plugins', filters=filters, sort=sort, search=search, start_at=start_at, limit=limit, filter_type=filter_type, return_json=return_json, )
[docs] def findings(self, filters: Optional[List[Dict]] = None, sort: Optional[List[Dict]] = None, search: Optional[str] = None, start_at: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 200, filter_type: str = 'And', return_json: bool = False, ) -> Union[OTExportsIterator, Dict]: """ Findings Export Args: sorted (list[dict], optional): A list of asset sort parameters to be passed to sort the responses. search (str, optional): Asset Search string filters (list[dict], optional): List of asset filters to apply to restict the response to only the desired assets. filter_type (str, optional): When passing multiple filters, how should the filters be applied to the dataset? Acceptable values are `And` and `Or`. Returns: OTFindingsIterator: The Iterable that hadles the more complex logic of gathering the findings for each asset and presenting them to the caller. Example: >>> for finding in tot.exports.findings(): ... print(finding) """ assets = self._list(query=queries.FINDING_ASSETS, filters=filters, model='assets', sort=sort, search=search, limit=1000, filter_type=filter_type, return_json=return_json, ) return OTFindingsIterator(self._api, _assets=assets)