Source code for tenable.reports.nessusv2

.. autoclass:: NessusReportv2
from tenable.errors import PackageMissingError

    from defusedxml.ElementTree import iterparse
except ImportError:
    raise PackageMissingError(
        'The python package defusedxml is required for NessusReportv2')

import dateutil.parser, time

[docs]class NessusReportv2(object): ''' The NessusReportv2 generator will return vulnerability items from any Nessus version 2 formatted Nessus report file. The returned data will be a python dictionary representation of the ReportItem with the relevant host properties attached. The ReportItem's structure itself will determine the resulting dictionary, what attributes are returned, and what is not. Please note that in order to use this generator, you must install the python ``lxml`` package. Args: fobj (File object or string path): Either a File-like object or a string path pointing to the file to be parsed. Examples: For example, if we wanted to load a Nessus report from disk and iterate through the contents, it would simply be a matter of: >>> with open('example.nessus') as nessus_file: ... report = NessusReportv2(nessus_file) ... for item in report: ... print(item) ''' def __init__(self, fobj): self._iter = iterparse(fobj, events=('start', 'end')) def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): return def _defs(self, name, value): if name in ['cvss_vector', 'cvss_temporal_vector']: # Return a list of the Vectors instead of having everything in a # flat string. This should allow for much easier parsing later. return value.split('/') elif name in ['cvss_base_score', 'cvss_temporal_score']: # CVSS scores are floats, so lets return them as such. if value: return float(value) elif name in ['first_found', 'last_found', 'plugin_modification_date', 'plugin_publication_date', 'HOST_END', 'HOST_START']: # The first and last found attributes use a datetime timestamp # format that we should convert into a unix timestamp. return dateutil.parser.parse(value) elif name in ['port', 'pluginID', 'severity']: return int(value) else: return value def next(self): ''' Get the next ReportItem from the nessus file and return it as a python dictionary. Generally speaking this method is not called directly, but is instead called as part of a loop. ''' try: for event, elem in self._iter: if event == 'start' and elem.tag == 'ReportHost': # If we detect a new ReportHost, then we will want to rebuild # the host information cache, starting with the ReportHost's # name for the host. self._cache = {'host-report-name': elem.get('name')} if event == 'end' and elem.tag == 'HostProperties': # Once we have finished parsing out all of the host properties, # we need to update the host cache with this new information. for child in elem: self._cache[child.get('name')] = child.text elem.clear() if event == 'end' and elem.tag == 'ReportHost': # If we reach the end of the ReportHost tree, then clear out # the element. elem.clear() if event == 'end' and elem.tag == 'NessusClientData_v2': # If we reach the end of the Nessus file, then we need to raise # a StopIteration exception to inform the code downstream that # we have reached the end of the file. raise StopIteration() if event == 'end' and elem.tag == 'ReportItem': # Once we have finished gathering all of the information for a # ReportItem, lets go ahead and parse out the ReportItem, graft # on the cached HostProperties that we gathered before, and then # return the data as a python dictionary. vuln = dict(elem.attrib) vuln.update(self._cache) # all of the information we have passed into the vuln dictionary # needs to be normalized. Here we will pass each item through # the definition parser to make sure any known values are # formatted properly. for k in vuln.keys(): vuln[k] = self._defs(k, vuln[k]) for c in elem: # iterate through each child element and add it to the vuln # dictionary. We will also check to see if we have seen # the tag before, and if so, convert the stored value to a # list of values. The need to return a list is common for # things like CVEs, BIDs, See-Alsos, etc. if c.tag in vuln: if not isinstance(vuln[c.tag], list): vuln[c.tag] = [vuln[c.tag],] vuln[c.tag].append(self._defs(c.tag, c.text)) else: vuln[c.tag] = self._defs(c.tag, c.text) # Clear out the element from the element tree and return the # vuln dictionary. elem.clear() return vuln except TypeError as err: if err.args[0] == 'reading file objects must return bytes objects': raise TypeError('File object not opened in binary mode.') else: raise err