Source code for


The following methods allow for interaction into the Tenable Security Center
:sc-api:`System <System.htm>` API.  These API calls are typically used to
understand timezones, system version, etc.

Methods available on ``sc.system``:

.. rst-class:: hide-signature
.. autoclass:: SystemAPI
from .base import SCEndpoint
from io import BytesIO
import time

[docs]class SystemAPI(SCEndpoint):
[docs] def details(self): ''' Retrieves information about the Tenable Security Center instance. This method should only be called before authentication has occurred. As most of the information within this call already happens upon instantiation, there should be little need to call this manually. :sc-api:`system: get <System.htm#system_GET>` Returns: :obj:`dict`: The response dictionary Examples: >>> info = sc.system.details() ''' return self._api.get('system').json()['response']
[docs] def diagnostics(self, task=None, options=None, fobj=None): ''' Generates and downloads a diagnostic file for the purpose of troubleshooting an ailing Tenable Security Center instance. :sc-api:`system: diagnostics-generate <System.htm#SystemRESTReference-/system/diagnostics/generate>` :sc-api:`system: diagnostics-download <System.htm#SystemRESTReference-/system/diagnostics/download>` Args: fobj (FileObject, optional): The file-like object to write the diagnostics file to. If nothing is specified, a BytesIO object will be returnbed with the file. options (list, optional): If performing a diagnostics generation, then which items should be bundled into the diagnostics file? Available options are ``all``, ``apacheLog``, ``configuration``, ``dependencies``, ``dirlist``, ``environment``, ``installLog``, ``logs``, ``sanitize``, ``scans``, ``serverConf``, ``setup``, ``sysinfo``, and ``upgradeLog``. If nothing is specified, it will default to ``['all']``. task (str, optional): Which task to perform. Available options are ``appStatus`` and ``diagnosticsFile``. If nothing is specified, it will default to ``diagnosticFile``. Returns: :obj:`FileObject`: A file-like object with the diagnostics file specified. Examples: >>> with open('diagnostics.tar.gz', 'wb') as fobj: ... sc.system.diagnostics(fobj=fobj) ''' payload = { 'task': self._check('task', task, str, choices=['diagnosticsFile', 'appStatus'], default='diagnosticsFile'), } # The available choices for the options. opts = ['all', 'apacheLog', 'configuration', 'dependencies', 'dirlist', 'environment', 'installLog', 'logs', 'sanitize', 'scans', 'serverConf', 'setup', 'sysinfo'] # we only want to add the options to the generation call if the task is # a diagnostics file. if payload['task'] == 'diagnosticsFile': payload['options'] = [self._check('option:item', o, str, choices=opts) for o in self._check('options', options, list, default=['all'])] status = self.status() # Make the call to generate the disagnostics file.'system/diagnostics/generate', json=payload) # We will sleep until the file has been generated. We will know when # the file is ready or download as the `diagnosticsGenerated` timestamp # will have been updated. while self.status()['diagnosticsGenerated'] == status['diagnosticsGenerated']: time.sleep(5) # Make the call to download the file. resp ='system/diagnostics/download', stream=True) # if no file-like object was passed, then we will instantiate a BytesIO # object to push the file into. if not fobj: fobj = BytesIO() # Lets stream the file into the file-like object... for chunk in resp.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: fobj.write(chunk) resp.close() return fobj
[docs] def current_locale(self): ''' Retrieves the current system locale that Tenable Security Center has been set to. :sc-api:`system: locale <System.htm#SystemRESTReference-/system/locale>` Returns: :obj:`dict`: locale resource Examples: >>> sc.system.current_locale() ''' return self._api.get('system/locale').json()['response']
[docs] def list_locales(self): ''' Retrieves the available system locales that Tenable Security Center can be set to. :sc-api:`system: locales <System.htm#SystemRESTReference-/system/locales>` Returns: :obj:`dict`: locales dictionary Examples: >>> sc.system.list_locales() ''' return self._api.get('system/locales').json()['response']
[docs] def set_locale(self, locale): ''' Sets the system locale to be used. This requires an administrator to perform this task and will be a global change. The locale determines which pluginset language to use. :sc-api:`system: set-locale <System.htm#system_locale_PATCH>` Args: locale (str): The plugin locale name Returns: :obj:`str`: The new plugin locale. Examples: Set the system locale to Japanese: >>> sc.system.set_locale('ja') ''' self._api.patch('system/locale', json={ 'PluginLocale': self._check('locale', locale, str) }).json()['response']
[docs] def status(self): ''' Retrieves the current system status :sc-api:`system: diagnostics <System.htm#SystemRESTReference-/system/diagnostics>` Returns: :obj:`dict`: The status dictionary Examples: >>> status = sc.system.status() ''' return self._api.get('system/diagnostics').json()['response']