Source code for


The following methods allow for interaction into the
:devportal:`exports <exports>` API endpoints.

Methods available on ``tio.exports``:

.. rst-class:: hide-signature
.. autoclass:: ExportsAPI

    .. automethod:: assets
    .. automethod:: vulns
from .base import TIOEndpoint, APIResultsIterator, UnexpectedValueError
from tenable.errors import TioExportsError
from ipaddress import IPv4Network, AddressValueError
import time, ipaddress, sys

class ExportsIterator(APIResultsIterator):
    The exports iterator handles the chunk status and retrieval management
    functions in order to provide a simplistic iterator that can be used with
    minimal effort in the calling application.
    def __init__(self, api, **kw):
        self.type = None
        self.uuid = None
        self.chunk_id = None
        self.chunks = list()
        self.processed = list()
        APIResultsIterator.__init__(self, api, **kw)

    def _get_page(self):
        Get the next chunk
        def get_status():
            # Query the API for the status of the export.
            status = self._api.get('{}/export/{}/status'.format(self.type, self.uuid)).json()

            # We need to get the list of chunks that we haven't completed yet and are
            # available for download.
            unfinished = [c for c in status['chunks_available'] if c not in self.processed]

            # Add the chunks_unfinished key with the unfinished list as the
            # associated value and then return the status to the caller.
            status['chunks_unfinished'] = unfinished

            # if there are no more chunks to process and the export status is
            # set to finished, then we will break the iteration.
            if (status['status'] == 'FINISHED'
                    and len(status['chunks_unfinished']) < 1):
                raise StopIteration()

            if status['status'] == 'ERROR':
                raise TioExportsError(self.type, self.uuid)

            return status

        # If there are no chunks in our local queue, then we will need to query
        # the status API for more chunks to to work on.
        if len(self.chunks) < 1:
            status = get_status()

            backoff_counter = 1
            # if the export is still processing, but there aren't any chunks for
            # us to process yet, then we will wait here in a loop and call for
            # status once a second until we get something else to work on.
            while len(status['chunks_unfinished']) < 1:
                backoff_counter += 1
                time.sleep(backoff_counter if backoff_counter < 30 else 30)
                status = get_status()

            # now that we have some chunks to work on, lets refresh the local
            # chunk cache and continue.
            self.chunks = status['chunks_unfinished']

        # now to take the first chunk off the local queue, move it to the
        # processed list, and then set store the results to the page attribute.
        self.chunk_id = self.chunks[0]
        self.processed.append(self.chunk_id) = self._api.get('{}/export/{}/chunks/{}'.format(
            self.type, self.uuid, self.chunk_id)).json()

    def next(self):
        Ask for the next object
        # If we have worked through the current page of records then we should
        # query the next page of records.
        if self.page_count >= len(
            self.page_count = 0

        # Get the relevant record, increment the counters, and return the
        # record.
        item =[self.page_count]
        self.count += 1
        self.page_count += 1
        return item

[docs]class ExportsAPI(TIOEndpoint):
[docs] def vulns(self, **kw): ''' Initiate an vulnerability export. :devportal:`exports: vulns-request-export <exports-vulns-request-export>` Args: cidr_range (str, optional): Restrict the export to only vulns assigned to assets within the CIDR range specified. first_found (int, optional): Specifies the earliest time for a vulnerability to have been discovered. Format is a unix timestamp integer. last_fixed (int, optional): Specifies the earliest time that vulnerabilities may have been fixed. Format is a unix timestamp integer. last_found (int, optional): Specifies the earliest time that a vulnerability may have been last seen. Format is a unix timestamp integer. num_assets (int, optional): Specifies the number of assets returned per-chunk. If nothing is specified, it will default to 500 assets. plugin_family (list, optional): list of plugin families to restrict the export to. values are interpreted with an insensitivity to case. severity (list, optional): list of severities to include as part of the export. Supported values are `info`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, and `critical`. since (int, optional): Returned results will be bounded based on the state of the vulnerability instance detailed below. This parameter expects a unix timestamp. * Vulns in the **open** state are bounded by ``first_found``. * Vulns in the **reopened** state are bounded by ``last_found``. * Vulns in the **fixed** state are bounded by ``last_fixed``. In short it'll return active vulnerabilities based on when they were first discovered, and fixed and resurfaced vulnerabilities based on when they were last observed. The idea is to relay state changes of a vulnerability and use a singular export to track all of these state changes. state (list, optional): list of object states to be returned. Supported values are `open`, `reopened`, and `fixed`. tags (list, optional): List of tag key-value pairs that must be associated to the vulnerability data to be returned. Key-value pairs are tuples ``('key', 'value')`` and are case-sensitive. uuid (str, optional): To re-request an iterator based off of an existing export, pass the UUID of the export to bypass the initial request and instead use the UUID passed to build the export iterator. vpr (dict, optional): Restricts the results to the Returns: :obj:`ExportIterator`: An iterator to walk through the results. Examples: Export all of the vulnerability data: >>> vulns = tio.exports.vulns() >>> for vuln in vulns: ... pprint(vuln) Export only the critical vulnerabilities: >>> for vuln in tio.exports.vulns(severity=['critical']): ... pprint(vuln) ''' uuid = kw.get('uuid') payload = {'filters': dict()} # Instead of a long and drawn-out series of if statements for all of # these integer filters, lets instead just loop through all of them # instead. As they all have the same logic, there isn't any reason # not to shorten up the madness. for option in ['since', 'first_found', 'last_found', 'last_fixed', 'first_scan_time', 'last_authenticated_scan_time', 'last_assessed']: if option in kw and self._check(option, kw[option], int): payload['filters'][option] = kw[option] payload['num_assets'] = str(self._check('num_assets', kw['num_assets'] if 'num_assets' in kw else None, int, default=500)) if 'severity' in kw and self._check('severity', kw['severity'], list, choices=['info', 'low', 'medium', 'high', 'critical'], case='lower'): payload['filters']['severity'] = kw['severity'] if 'state' in kw and self._check('state', kw['state'], list, choices=['OPEN', 'REOPENED', 'FIXED'], case='upper'): payload['filters']['state'] = kw['state'] if 'plugin_family' in kw and self._check( 'plugin_family', kw['plugin_family'], list): payload['filters']['plugin_family'] = kw['plugin_family'] if 'cidr_range' in kw and self._check('cidr_range', kw['cidr_range'], str): cidr = kw['cidr_range'] # if the python version is less than 3, then we will need to # recast it as a unicode string. if sys.version_info < (3, 0): cidr = unicode(cidr) # Validate the cidr_range attribute as an actual CIDR range. If it # returns an error back to us, then we can safely assume that it's # not a valid CIDR and throw a UnexpectedValueError informing the # caller of the mistake. try: network = IPv4Network(cidr) except ValueError: raise UnexpectedValueError('{} is not a valid CIDR'.format(cidr)) # Assuming everything has passed, then we will add the filter to the # filters dictionary. payload['filters']['cidr_range'] = str(network) if 'tags' in kw and self._check('tags', kw['tags'], list): # if any tags were specified, then we will iterate through the list # and handle each for tag in kw['tags']: # check to see if the tag is a tuple and also construct the # filter name. self._check('tags:tag', tag, tuple) name = 'tag.{}'.format( self._check('tag:name', tag[0], str)) # If the tag filter doesn't yet exist, then we need to create it # and associate an empty list to it. if name not in payload['filters']: payload['filters'][name] = list() # add the tag value to the tag filter. payload['filters'][name].append( self._check('tag:value', tag[1], str)) if 'vpr' in kw and self._check('vpr', kw['vpr'], dict): payload['filters']['vpr_score'] = kw['vpr'] if not uuid: uuid = 'vulns/export', json=payload).json()['export_uuid'] self._api._log.debug('Initiated vuln export {}'.format(uuid)) return ExportsIterator(self._api, type='vulns', uuid=uuid)
[docs] def assets(self, **kw): ''' Export asset data from :devportal:`exports: assets-request-export <exports-assets-request-export>` Args: chunk_size (int, optional): Specifies the number of objects returned per-chunk. If nothing is specified, it will default to 1000 objects. created_at (int, optional): Returns all assets created after the specified unix timestamp. updated_at (int, optional): Returns all assets updated after the specified unix timestamp. terminated_at (int, optional): Returns all assets terminated after the specified unix timestamp. deleted_at (int, optional): Returns all assets deleted after the specified unix timestamp. first_scan_time (int, optional): Returns all assets first scanned after the specified unix timestamp. last_authenticated_scan_time (int, optional): Returns all assets that have completed an authenticated scan after the specified unix timestamp. last_assessed (int, optional): Returns all assets that have been assessed after the specified unix timestamp. servicenow_sysid (bool, optional): If set to True, will return only assets that have a ServiceNow Sys ID. If set to False, then returns only assets that do not have a ServiceNow Sys ID. sources (list, optional): Returns assets that have the specified source. If multiple sources are listed, then the results will be assets that have been observed by any of the sources listed. has_plugin_results (bool, optional): If True, returns only assets that have plugin results. If False, returns only assets that do not have any plugin results. Assets thats would not have plugin results would be assets created from a connector, or a discovery scan. tags (list, optional): List of tag key-value pairs that must be associated to the asset data to be returned. Key-value pairs are tuples ``('key', 'value')`` and are case-sensitive. uuid (str, optional): To re-request an iterator based off of an existing export, pass the UUID of the export to bypass the initial request and instead use the UUID passed to build the export iterator. Returns: :obj:`ExportIterator`: An iterator to walk through the results. Examples: Export all of the asset data within >>> assets = tio.exports.assets() >>> for asset in assets: ... pprint(asset) Export only the assets updated in the last week: >>> import time >>> last_week = int(time.time()) - 604800 >>> for asset in tio.exports.assets(updated_at=last_week): ... pprint(asset) ''' uuid = kw.get('uuid') payload = {'filters': dict()} payload['chunk_size'] = self._check('chunk_size', kw['chunk_size'] if 'chunk_size' in kw else None, int, default=1000) # Instead of a long and drawn-out series of if statements for all of # these integer filters, lets instead just loop through all of them # instead. As they all have the same logic, there isn't any reason # not to shorten up the madness. for option in ['created_at', 'updated_at', 'terminated_at', 'deleted_at', 'first_scan_time', 'last_authenticated_scan_time', 'last_assessed']: if option in kw: payload['filters'][option] = self._check(option, kw[option], int) # Lets to the same thing we did above for integer checks for the boolean # ones as well. for option in ['servicenow_sysid', 'has_plugin_results']: if option in kw: payload['filters'][option] = self._check(option, kw[option], bool) if 'sources' in kw and self._check('sources', kw['sources'], list): payload['filters']['sources'] = kw['sources'] if 'tags' in kw and self._check('tags', kw['tags'], list): # if any tags were specified, then we will iterate through the list # and handle each for tag in kw['tags']: # check to see if the tag is a tuple and also construct the # filter name. self._check('tags:tag', tag, tuple) name = 'tag.{}'.format( self._check('tag:name', tag[0], str)) # If the tag filter doesn't yet exist, then we need to create it # and associate an empty list to it. if name not in payload['filters']: payload['filters'][name] = list() # add the tag value to the tag filter. payload['filters'][name].append( self._check('tag:value', tag[1], str)) if not uuid: uuid = 'assets/export', json=payload).json()['export_uuid'] self._api._log.debug('Initiated asset export {}'.format(uuid)) return ExportsIterator(self._api, type='assets', uuid=uuid)