Source code for


The following methods allow for interaction into the
:devportal:`plugins <plugins>` API endpoints.

Methods available on ``tio.plugins``:

.. rst-class:: hide-signature
.. autoclass:: PluginsAPI

    .. automethod:: families
    .. automethod:: family_details
    .. automethod:: list
    .. automethod:: plugin_details
from .base import TIOEndpoint, TIOIterator
from datetime import date

class PluginIterator(TIOIterator):
    The plugins iterator provides a scalable way to work through plugin result
    sets of any size.  The iterator will walk through each page of data,
    returning one record at a time.  If it reaches the end of a page of
    records, then it will request the next page of information and then continue
    to return records from the next page (and the next, and the next) until the
    counter reaches the total number of records that the API has reported.

        count (int): The current number of records that have been returned
        page (list):
            The current page of data being walked through.  pages will be
            cycled through as the iterator requests more information from the
        page_count (int): The number of record returned from the current page.
        total (int):
            The total number of records that exist for the current request.
        populate_maptable (bool):
            Informs the iterator whether to construct the plugin to family maps
            for injecting the plugin family data into each item.
    _maptable = None
    populate_maptable = False

    def _populate_family_cache(self):
        Generates the maptable to use to graft on the plugin family information
        to the plugins.  Effectively what we doing is generating a dictionary of
        2 subdictionaries.  Each one of these is a simple hash table allowing
        the iterator to resolve the name of the family by ID and the family ID
        by the plugin membership.  This information is currently lacking in the
        plugin listing output and was requested by a customer.

        .. note::
            This currently seems to add about 7-10 seconds before the first item
            is returned, as it seems to take this long to generate the data. We
            can focus on reducing this time later on with the introduction of
            multi-threaded iterators && async API calls.
        self._maptable = {
            'plugins': dict(),
            'families': dict()
        for family in self._api.plugins.families():
            self._maptable['families'][family['id']] = family['name']

        for fam_id in self._maptable['families'].keys():
            for plugin in self._api.plugins.family_details(fam_id)['plugins']:
                self._maptable['plugins'][plugin['id']] = fam_id

    def next(self):
        item = super(PluginIterator, self).next()

        # If the populate_maptable flag is set, then we will build the mappings.
        if not self._maptable and self.populate_maptable:

        # If the maptable exists, then graft on the plugin family information
        # on to to the item.
        if self._maptable:
            fid = self._maptable['plugins'][item['id']]
            item['family_id'] = fid
            item['family_name'] = self._maptable['families'][fid]

        return item

[docs]class PluginsAPI(TIOEndpoint):
[docs] def families(self): ''' List the available plugin families. :devportal:`plugins: families <plugins-families>` Returns: :obj:`list`: List of plugin family resource records. Examples: >>> for family in tio.plugins.families(): ... pprint(family) ''' return self._api.get('plugins/families').json()['families']
[docs] def family_details(self, id): ''' Retrieve the details for a specific plugin family. :devportal:`plugins: family-details plugins-family-details>` Args: id (int): The plugin family unique identifier. Returns: :obj:`dict`: Returns a dictionary stating the id, name, and plugins that are housed within the plugin family. Examples: >>> family = tio.plugins.family_details(1) ''' return self._api.get('plugins/families/{}'.format( self._check('id', id, int) )).json()
[docs] def plugin_details(self, id): ''' Retrieve the details for a specific plugin. :devportal:`plugins: plugin-details <plugins-plugin-details>` Args: id (int): The plugin id for the requested plugin. Returns: :obj:`dict`: A dictionary stating the id, name, family, and any other relevant attributes associated to the plugin. Examples: >>> plugin = tio.plugins.plugin_details(19506) >>> pprint(plugin) ''' return self._api.get('plugins/plugin/{}'.format( self._check('id', id, int))).json()
[docs] def list(self, page=None, size=None, last_updated=None, num_pages=None): ''' Get the listing of plugin details from :devportal:`plugins: list <>`_ Args: size (int, optional): The number of records to retrieve. Default is 1000 page (int, optional): The starting page to retrieve. Default is 0. last_updated (date, optional): A object stating when the threshold for the last updated field can be for a plugin. num_pages (int, optional): The total number of pages to request before stopping the iterator. Returns: :obj:`PluginsIterator`: An iterator that handles the page management of the requested records. Examples: Getting the listing of all plugins: >>> for plugin in tio.plugins.list(): ... pprint(plugin) Retrieving all of the plugins updated since 2019-01-01: >>> for plugin in tio.plugins.list(last_updated=date(2019, 1, 1)): ... pprint(plugin) Informing the iterator to cache the plugin family data for injection into each item: >>> plugins = tio.plugins.list(last_updated=date(2019, 1, 1)) >>> plugins.populate_maptable = True >>> for plugin in plugins: ... pprint(plugin) ''' return PluginIterator(self._api, _api_version=2, _size=self._check('size', size, int, default=1000), _page_num=self._check('page', page, int, default=1), _query={ 'last_updated': self._check('last_updated', last_updated, date, default=date(1970, 1, 1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }, _pages_total=self._check('num_pages', num_pages, int), _path='plugins/plugin', _resource='plugin_details')