Source code for


The following methods allow for interaction into the
`Alert <>`_ API.

Methods available on ``sc.alerts``:

.. rst-class:: hide-signature
.. autoclass:: AlertAPI

    .. automethod:: create
    .. automethod:: delete
    .. automethod:: details
    .. automethod:: edit
    .. automethod:: execute
    .. automethod:: list

.. _iCal Date-Time:
.. _iCal Recurrance Rule:
from .base import SCEndpoint
from tenable.utils import dict_merge

[docs]class AlertAPI(SCEndpoint): def _constructor(self, *filters, **kw): ''' Handles building an alert document. ''' # call the analysis query constructor to assemble a query. if len(filters) > 0: # checking to see if data_type was passed. If it wasn't then we # will set the value to the default of 'vuln'. if 'data_type' not in kw: kw['data_type'] = 'vuln' kw['type'] = kw['data_type'] kw['tool'] = '' kw = self._query_constructor(*filters, **kw) del(kw['data_type']) del(kw['query']['tool']) del(kw['tool']) elif 'query_id' in kw: kw = self._query_constructor(*filters, **kw) if 'name' in kw: kw['name'] = self._check('name', kw['name'], str) if 'description' in kw: kw['description'] = self._check( 'description', kw['description'], str) if 'query' in kw: kw['query'] = self._check('query', kw['query'], dict) if 'always_exec_on_trigger' in kw: # executeOnEveryTrigger expected a boolean response as a lower-case # string. We will accept a boolean and then transform it into a # string value. kw['executeOnEveryTrigger'] = str(self._check( 'always_exec_on_trigger', kw['always_exec_on_trigger'], bool)).lower() del(kw['always_exec_on_trigger']) if 'trigger' in kw: # here we will be expanding the trigger from the common format of # tuples that we are using within pytenable into the native # supported format that SecurityCenter expects. self._check('trigger', kw['trigger'], tuple) kw['triggerName'] = self._check( 'triggerName', kw['trigger'][0], str) kw['triggerOperator'] = self._check( 'triggerOperator', kw['trigger'][1], str, choices=['>=', '<=', '=', '!=']) kw['triggerValue'] = self._check( 'triggerValue', kw['trigger'][2], str) del(kw['trigger']) # hand off the building the schedule sub-document to the schedule # document builder. if 'schedule' in kw: kw['schedule'] = self._schedule_constructor(kw['schedule']) # FR: at some point we should start looking into checking and # normalizing the action document. return kw
[docs] def list(self, fields=None): ''' Retreives the list of alerts. :sc-api:`alert: list <Alert.html#AlertRESTReference-/alert>` Args: fields (list, optional): A list of attributes to return for each alert. Returns: :obj:`dict`: A list of alert resources. Examples: >>> for alert in sc.alerts.list()['manageable']: ... pprint(alert) ''' params = dict() if fields: params['fields'] = ','.join([self._check('field', f, str) for f in fields]) return self._api.get('alert', params=params).json()['response']
[docs] def details(self, id, fields=None): ''' Returns the details for a specific alert. :sc-api:`alert: details <Alert.html#AlertRESTReference-/alert/{id}>` Args: id (int): The identifier for the alert. fields (list, optional): A list of attributes to return. Returns: :obj:`dict`: The alert resource record. Examples: >>> alert = sc.alerts.detail(1) >>> pprint(alert) ''' params = dict() if fields: params['fields'] = ','.join([self._check('field', f, str) for f in fields]) return self._api.get('alert/{}'.format(self._check('id', id, int)), params=params).json()['response']
[docs] def create(self, *filters, **kw): ''' Creates a new alert. The fields below are explicitly checked, however any additional parameters mentioned in the API docs can be passed to the document constructor. :sc-api:'alert: create <Alert.html#alert_POST>` Args: *filters (tuple): A filter expression. Refer to the detailed description within the analysis endpoint documentation for more details on how to formulate filter expressions. data_type (str): The type of filters being used. Must be of type ``lce``, ``ticket``, ``user``, or ``vuln``. If no data-type is specified, then the default of ``vuln`` will be set. name (str): The name of the alert. description (str, optional): A description for the alert. trigger (tuple): A tuple in the filter-tuple format detailing what would constitute a trigger. For example: ``('sumip', '=', '1000')``. always_exec_on_trigger (bool, optional): Should the trigger always execute when the trigger fires, or only execute when the returned data changes? Default is ``False``. schedule (dict, optional): This is the schedule dictionary that will inform how often to run the alert. If left unspecified then we will default to ``{'type': 'never'}``. For more information refer to `Schedule Dictionaries`_ action (list): The action(s) that will be performed when the alert trigger fires. Each action is a dictionary detailing what type of action to take, and the details surrounding that action. The supported type of actions are ``email``, ``notifications``, ``report``, ``scan``, ``syslog``, and ``ticket``. The following examples lay out each type of action as an example: * Email action type: .. code-block:: python {'type': 'email', 'subject': 'Example Email Subject', 'message': 'Example Email Body' 'addresses': '\\', 'users': [{'id': 1}, {'id': 2}], 'includeResults': 'true'} * Notification action type: .. code-block:: python {'type': 'notification', 'message': 'Example notification', 'users': [{'id': 1}, {'id': 2}]} * Report action type: .. code-block:: python {'type': 'report', 'report': {'id': 1}} * Scan action type: .. code-block:: python {'type': 'scan', 'scan': {'id': 1}} * Syslog action type: .. code-block:: python {'type': 'syslog', 'host': '', 'port': '514', 'message': 'Example Syslog Message', 'severity': 'Critical'} * Ticket action type: .. code-block:: python {'type': 'ticket', 'assignee': {'id': 1}, 'name': 'Example Ticket Name', 'description': 'Example Ticket Description', 'notes': 'Example Ticket Notes'} Returns: :obj:`dict`: The alert resource created. Examples: >>> sc.alerts.create( ... ('severity', '=', '3,4'), ... ('exploitAvailable', '=', 'true'), ... trigger=('sumip', '>=', '100'), ... name='Too many High or Critical and Exploitable', ... action=[{ ... 'type': 'notification', ... 'message': 'Too many High or Crit Exploitable Vulns', ... 'users': [{'id': 1}] ... }]) ''' payload = self._constructor(*filters, **kw) return'alert', json=payload).json()['response']
[docs] def edit(self, id, *filters, **kw): ''' Updates an existing alert. All fields are optional and will overwrite the existing value. :sc-api:`alert: update <Alert.html#alert_id_PATCH>` Args: if (int): The alert identifier. *filters (tuple): A filter expression. Refer to the detailed description within the analysis endpoint documentation for more details on how to formulate filter expressions. data_type (str): The type of filters being used. Must be of type ``lce``, ``ticket``, ``user``, or ``vuln``. If no data-type is specified, then the default of ``vuln`` will be set. name (str, optional): The name of the alert. description (str, optional): A description for the alert. trigger (tuple, optional): A tuple in the filter-tuple format detailing what would constitute a trigger. For example: ``('sumip', '=', '1000')``. always_exec_on_trigger (bool, optional): Should the trigger always execute when the trigger fires, or only execute when the returned data changes? Default is ``False``. schedule (dict, optional): This is the schedule dictionary that will inform how often to run the alert. If left unspecified then we will default to ``{'type': 'never'}``. For more information refer to `Schedule Dictionaries`_ action (list): The action(s) that will be performed when the alert trigger fires. Each action is a dictionary detailing what type of action to take, and the details surrounding that action. Returns: :obj:`dict`: The modified alert resource. Examples: >>> sc.alerts.update(1, name='New Alert Name') ''' payload = self._constructor(*filters, **kw) return self._api.patch('alert/{}'.format( self._check('id', id, int)), json=payload).json()['response']
[docs] def delete(self, id): ''' Deletes the specified alert. :sc-api:`alert: delete <Alert.html#alert_id_DELETE>` Args: id (int): The alert identifier. Returns: :obj:`str`: The response code of the action. Examples: >>> sc.alerts.delete(1) ''' return self._api.delete('alert/{}'.format( self._check('id', id, int))).json()['response']
[docs] def execute(self, id): ''' Executes the specified alert. :sc-api:`alert: execute <Alert.html#AlertRESTReference-/alert/{id}/execute>` Args: id (int): The alert identifier. Returns: :obj:`dict`: The alert resource. ''' return'alert/{}/execute'.format( self._check('id', id, int))).json()['response']