Source code for


The following methods allow for interaction into the
:sc-api:`Scan Credentials <Credential.html>` API.  These
items are typically seen under the **Scan Credentials** section of

Methods available on ``sc.credentials``:

.. rst-class:: hide-signature
.. autoclass:: CredentialAPI

    .. automethod:: create
    .. automethod:: delete
    .. automethod:: details
    .. automethod:: edit
    .. automethod:: list
from .base import SCEndpoint

[docs]class CredentialAPI(SCEndpoint): def _constructor(self, **kw): ''' Handles parsing the keywords and returns a credential definition document ''' yn = {False: 'no', True: 'yes'} if 'name' in kw: # Validate that the name parameter is a string. self._check('name', kw['name'], str) if 'tags' in kw: # Validate that the tags parameter is a string. self._check('tags', kw['tags'], str) if 'description' in kw: # Validate that the description parameter is a string. self._check('description', kw['description'], str) if 'type' in kw: # Validate that the type parameter is a string and falls within the # expected types. self._check('type', kw['type'], str, choices=['database', 'windows', 'snmp', 'ssh']) if 'login' in kw: # Validate that the login paramater is a string. self._check('login', kw['login'], str) if 'sid' in kw: # Validate that the sid parameter is a string. self._check('sid', kw['sid'], str) if 'auth_type' in kw: # Validate that the auth_type paramater is a string of the expected # values and then convert it to the camelCase equiv. kw['authType'] = self._check('auth_type', kw['auth_type'], str, choices=['cyberark', 'lieberman', 'password', 'BeyondTrust', 'certificate', 'kerberos', 'publicKey', 'thycotic', 'lm', 'ntlm']) del(kw['auth_type']) if 'db_type' in kw: # Validate that the db_type parameter is a string of one of the # expected values and then convert it to the camelCase equiv. kw['dbType'] = self._check('db_type', kw['db_type'], str, choices=['Oracle', 'SQL Server', 'DB2', 'MySQL', 'PostgreSQL', 'Informix/DRDA']) del (kw['db_type']) if 'port' in kw: # Validate that the port parameter is a integer and then store the # resulting value as a string. kw['port'] = str(self._check('port', kw['port'], int)) if 'password' in kw: # Validate that the password parameter is a string type. self._check('password', kw['password'], str) if 'username' in kw: # validate that the username parameter is a string type. self._check('username', kw['username'], str) ## CYBERARK AUTH TYPE if 'vault_host' in kw: # Validate that the vault_host parameter is a string type. self._check('vault_host', kw['vault_host'], str) if 'vault_port' in kw: # Validate that the vault_port parameter was passed as an integer # and then store it as a string. kw['vault_port'] = str(self._check( 'vault_port', kw['vault_port'], int)) if 'vault_username' in kw: # Validate that vault_username is a string. self._check('vault_username', kw['vault_username'], str) if 'vault_password' in kw: # validate that the vault_password is a string. self._check('vault_password', kw['vault_password'], str) if 'vault_cyberark_url' in kw: # Validate that the vault_cyberark_url parameter is a string. self._check('vault_cyberark_url', kw['vault_cyberark_url'], str) if 'vault_safe' in kw: # Validate that the vault_safe parameter is a string. self._check('vault_safe', kw['vault_safe'], str) if 'vault_app_id' in kw: # Validate that the vault_app_id parameter is a string. self._check('vault_app_id', kw['vault_app_id'], str) if 'vault_policy_id' in kw: # Validate that the vault_policy_id parameter is a string. self._check('vault_policy_id', kw['vault_policy_id'], str) if 'vault_folder' in kw: # Validate that the vault_folder parameter is a string. self._check('vault_folder', kw['vault_folder'], str) if 'vault_use_ssl' in kw: # Validate that the vault_ssl parameter is a boolean value and then # store it as a lowercased string. kw['vault_use_ssl'] = str(self._check( 'vault_use_ssl', kw['vault_use_ssl'], bool)).lower() if 'vault_verify_ssl' in kw: # Validate that the vault_verify_ssl parameter is a boolean value and # then store is as a lowercased string. kw['vault_verify_ssl'] = str(self._check( 'vault_verify_ssl', kw['vault_verify_ssl'], bool)).lower() if 'vault_address' in kw: # Validate that the vault_address parameter is a string. self._check('vault_address', kw['vault_address'], str) if 'vault_account_name' in kw: # Verify that the vault_account_name parameter is a string. self._check('vault_account_name', kw['vault_account_name'], str) if 'vault_cyberark_client_cert' in kw: # verify that the vault_cyberark_client_cert is a string. self._check('vault_cyberark_client_cert', kw['vault_cyberark_client_cert'], str) if 'vault_cyberark_private_key' in kw: # verify that the vault_cyberark_private_key param is a string. self._check('vault_cyberark_private_key', kw['vault_cyberark_private_key'], str) if 'vault_cyberark_private_key_passphrase' in kw: # Validate that the private key passphrase param is a string. self._check('vault_cyberark_private_key_passphrase', kw['vault_cyberark_private_key_passphrase'], str) ### LIEBERMAN AUTH TYPE if 'lieberman_host' in kw: # validate that the lieberman_host param is a string. self._check('lieberman_host', kw['lieberman_host'], str) if 'lieberman_port' in kw: # Validate that the lieberman port param is an integer and then # store it as a string. kw['lieberman_port'] = str( self._check('lieberman_port', kw['lieberman_port'], int)) if 'lieberman_pam_user' in kw: # Validate that the lieberman_pam_user param is a string. self._check('lieberman_pam_user', kw['lieberman_pam_user'], str) if 'lieberman_pam_password' in kw: # Validate that the lieberman_pam_password param is a string. self._check('lieberman_pam_password', kw['lieberman_pam_password'], str) if 'lieberman_use_ssl' in kw: # Validate that the SSL flag is a boolean value and store it as a # lower-cased string. kw['lieberman_use_ssl'] = str( self._check('lieberman_use_ssl', kw['lieberman_use_ssl'], bool)).lower() if 'lieberman_verify_ssl' in kw: # Validate that the verify SSL flag is a boolean value and store # it as a lower-cased string. kw['lieberman_verify_ssl'] = str( self._check('lieberman_verify_ssl', kw['lieberman_verify_ssl'], bool)).lower() if 'lieberman_system_name' in kw: # Validate that the system name is a string. self._check('lieberman_system_name', kw['lieberman_system_name'], str) ### BEYONDTRUST AUTH TYPE if 'beyondtrust_host' in kw: # Validate that the beyondtrust_host param is a string. self._check('beyondtrust_host', kw['beyondtrust_host'], str) if 'beyondtrust_port' in kw: # Validate that the beyondtrust_port is an integer and store it as # a string. kw['beyondtrust_port'] = str(self._check( 'beyondtrust_port', kw['beyondtrust_port'], int)) if 'beyondtrust_api_key' in kw: # Validate that the beyondtrust_api_key is a string. self._check('beyondtrust_api_key', kw['beyondtrust_api_key'], str) if 'beyondtrust_duration' in kw: # Validate that the beyondtrust_duration is an integer value and # store it as a string. kw['beyondtrust_duration'] = str(self._check( 'beyondtrust_duration', kw['beyondtrust_duration'], int)) if 'beyondtrust_use_ssl' in kw: # Validate that the use_ssl toggle is a boolean value and then store # it as a yes/no string response. kw['beyondtrust_use_ssl'] = yn[self._check( 'beyondtrust_use_ssl', kw['beyondtrust_use_ssl'], bool)] if 'beyondtrust_verify_ssl' in kw: # Validate that the verify_ssl toggle is a boolean value and then # store it as a yes/no string response. kw['beyondtrust_verify_ssl'] = yn[self._check( 'beyondtrust_verify_ssl', kw['beyondtrust_verify_ssl'], bool)] if 'beyondtrust_use_private_key' in kw: # Validate that the use_private_key toggle is a boolean value and # then store it as a yes/no string response. kw['beyondtrust_use_private_key'] = yn[self._check( 'beyondtrust_use_private_key', kw['beyondtrust_use_private_key'], bool)] if 'beyondtrust_use_escalation' in kw: # Validate that the use_escalation toggle is a boolean value and # then store it as a yes/no string response. kw['beyondtrust_use_escalation'] = yn[self._check( 'beyondtrust_use_escalation', kw['beyondtrust_use_escalation'], bool)] ### AUTHTYPE THYCOTIC if 'thycotic_secret_name' in kw: # Validate that the secret name param is a string. self._check('thycotic_secret_name', kw['thycotic_secret_name'], str) if 'thycotic_url' in kw: # Validate that the url is a string. self._check('thycotic_url', kw['thycotic_url'], str) if 'thycotic_username' in kw: # Validate that the username is a string. self._check('thycotic_username', kw['thycotic_username'], str) if 'thycotic_password' in kw: # Validate that the password is a string. self._check('thycotic_password', kw['thycotic_password'], str) if 'thycotic_organization' in kw: # Validate that the organization is a string. self._check('thycotic_organization', kw['thycotic_organization'], str) if 'thycotic_domain' in kw: # Validate that the domain is a string. self._check('thycotic_domain', kw['thycotic_domain'], str) if 'thycotic_private_key' in kw: # Validate that the private key flag is a boolean value and then # store it as a yes/no string equiv. kw['thycotic_private_key'] = yn[self._check('thycotic_private_key', kw['thycotic_private_key'], bool)] if 'thycotic_ssl_verify' in kw: # Validate that the ssl verification flag is a boolean value and # then store it as a yes/no string equiv. kw['thycotic_ssl_verify'] = yn[self._check('thycotic_ssl_verify', kw['thycotic_ssl_verify'], bool)] ### AUTHTYPE CERTIFICATE if 'public_key' in kw: # Validate that the public_key param is a string and then store in # the camelCase equiv. kw['publicKey'] = self._check('public_key', kw['public_key'], str) del(kw['public_key']) if 'private_key' in kw: # Validate that the private_key param is a string and then store it # in the camelCase equiv. kw['privateKey'] = self._check('private_key', kw['private_key'], str) del(kw['private_key']) if 'passphrase' in kw: # validate that the passphrase param is a string. self._check('passphrase', kw['passphrase'], str) if 'privilege_escalation' in kw: # validate that privilege_escalation is a string value of one of the # expected types and store it in the camelCase equiv. kw['privilegeEscalation'] = self._check('privilege_escalation', kw['privilege_escalation'], str, choices=[ 'none', 'su', 'sudo', 'su+sudo', 'dzdo', 'pbrun', 'cisco', '.k5login']) del(kw['privilege_escalation']) ### KERBEROS AUTHTYPE if 'kdc_ip' in kw: # validate that the ip value is a string. self._check('kdc_ip', kw['kdc_ip'], str) if 'kdc_port' in kw: # validate that the port value is an integer and store it as a str. kw['kdc_port'] = str(self._check('kdc_port', kw['kdc_port'], int)) if 'kdc_protocol' in kw: # validate that the protocol value is a string. kw['kdc_protocol'] = self._check( 'kdc_protocol', kw['kdc_protocol'], str, case='upper', choices=['UDP', 'TCP']) if 'kdc_realm' in kw: # validate that the realm value is a string. self._check('kdc_realm', kw['kdc_realm'], str) ### ORACLE DB TYPE if 'oracle_auth_type' in kw: # Validate that the oracle_auth_type var is a string and then store # it in the camelCased equiv. kw['oracleAuthType'] = self._check( 'oracle_auth_type', kw['oracle_auth_type'], str, case='upper', choices=['SYSDBA', 'SYSOPER', 'NORMAL']) del(kw['oracle_auth_type']) if 'oracle_service_type' in kw: # Validate that the oracle_service_type var is a string. kw['oracle_service_type'] = self._check( 'oracle_service_type', kw['oracle_service_type'], str, case='upper', choices=['SID', 'SERVICE_NAME']) ### SQL SERVER DB TYPE if 'sql_server_auth_type' in kw: # Validate that the sql_server_auth_type var is a string and store # it in the camelCased variant expected, kw['SQLServerAuthType'] = self._check( 'sql_server_auth_type', kw['sql_server_auth_type'], str, choices=['SQL', 'Windows']) del(kw['sql_server_auth_type']) ### PRIV ESCALATION PARAMS if 'escalation_username' in kw: # Verify that the escalation username is a string and store it in # the camelCase equiv. kw['escalationUsername'] = self._check('escalation_username', kw['escalation_username'], str) del(kw['escalation_username']) if 'escalation_password' in kw: # Validate that the escalation password is a string and store it in # the camelCase equiv. kw['escalationPassword'] = self._check('escalation_password', kw['escalation_password'], str) del(kw['escalation_password']) if 'escalation_path' in kw: # Validate that the escalation path is a string and store it in the # camelCase equiv. kw['escalationPath'] = self._check('escalation_path', kw['escalation_path'], str) del(kw['escalation_path']) if 'escalation_su_user' in kw: # Validate that the escalation SU user is a string and store it in # the camelCase equiv. kw['escalationSuUser'] = self._check('escalation_su_user', kw['escalation_su_user'], str) del(kw['escalation_su_user']) if 'community_string' in kw: # Validate that the community string is a string value and store it # in the camelCase equiv. kw['communityString'] = self._check( 'community_string', kw['community_string'], str) del(kw['community_string']) ### WINDOWS AUTH TYPE STUFF if 'domain' in kw: # Validate that the domain param is a string. self._check('domain', kw['domain'], str) return kw def _upload_files(self, **kw): ''' Uploads the file objects specified and returns the filename attributes associated to each keyword. ''' uploadable_keys = [ 'vault_cyberark_client_cert', 'vault_cyberark_private_key', 'public_key', 'private_key', ] for key in uploadable_keys: if key in kw: kw[key] = self._api.files.upload(kw[key]) return kw
[docs] def create(self, name, cred_type, auth_type, **kw): ''' Creates a credential. :sc-api:`credential: create <Credential.html#credential_POST>` Args: name (str): The name for the credential. cred_type (str): The type of credential to store. Valid types are ``database``, ``snmp``, ``ssh``, and ``windows``. auth_type (str): The type of authentication for the credential. Valid types are ``beyondtrust``, ``certificate``, cyberark``, ``kerberos``, ``lieberman``, ``lm``, ``ntlm``, ``password``, ``publickey``, ``thycotic``. beyondtrust_api_key (str, optional): The API key to use for authenticating to Beyondtrust. beyondtrust_duration (int, optional): The length of time to cache the checked-out credentials from Beyondtrust. This value should be less than the password change interval within Beyondtrust. beyondtrust_host (str, optional): The host address for the Beyondtrust application. beyondtrust_port (int, optional): The port number associated with the Beyondtrust application. beyondtrust_use_escalation (bool, optional): If enabled, informs the scanners to use Beyondtrust for privilege escalation. beyondtrust_use_private_key (bool, optional): If enabled, informs the scanners to use key-based auth for SSH connections instead of password auth. beyondtrust_use_ssl (bool, optional): Should the scanners communicate to Beyondtrust over SSL for credential retrieval? If left unspecified, the default is set to ``True``. beyondtrust_verify_ssl (bool, optional): Should the SSL certificate be validated when communicating to Beyondtrust? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. community_string (str, optional): The SNMP community string to use for authentication. db_type (str, optional): The type of database connection that will be performed. Valid types are ``DB2``, ``Informix/DRDA``, ``MySQL``, ``Oracle``, ``PostgreSQL``, ``SQL Server``. description (str, optional): A description to associate to the credential. domain (str, optional): The Active Directory domain to use if the user is a member of a domain. escalation_path (str, optional): The path in which to run the escalation commands. escalation_password (str, optional): The password to use for the escalation. escalation_su_use (str, optional): If performing an SU escalation, this is the user to escalate to. escalation_username (str, optional): The username to escalate to. kdc_ip (str, optional): The kerberos host supplying the session tickets. kdc_port (int, optional): The port to use for kerberos connections. If left unspecified the default is ``88``. kdc_protocol (str, optional): The protocol to use for kerberos connections. Valid options are ``tcp`` and ``udp``. If left unspecified then the default is ``tcp``. kdc_realm (str, optional): The Kerberos realm to use for authentication. lieberman_host (str, optional): The address for the Lieberman vault. lieberman_port (int, optional): The port number where the Lieberman service is listening. lieberman_pam_password (str, optional): The password to authenticate to the Lieberman RED API. lieberman_pam_user (str, optional): The username to authenticate to the Lieberman RED API. lieberman_system_name (str, optional): The name for the credentials in Lieberman. lieberman_use_ssl (bool, optional): Should the scanners communicate to Lieberman over SSL for credential retrieval? If left unspecified, the default is set to ``True``. lieberman_verify_ssl (bool, optional): Should the SSL certificate be validated when communicating to Lieberman? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. password (str, optional): The password for the credential. port (int, optional): A valid port number for a database credential. privilege_escalation (str, optional): The type of privilege escalation to perform once authenticated. Valid values are ``.k5login``, ``cisco``, ``dzdo``, ``none``, ``pbrun``, ``su``, ``su+sudo``, ``sudo``. If left unspecified, the default is ``none``. oracle_auth_type (str, optional): The type of authentication to use when communicating to an Oracle database server. Supported values are ``sysdba``, ``sysoper``, and ``normal``. If left unspecified, the default option is ``normal``. oracle_service_type (str, optional): The type of service identifier specified in the ``sid`` parameter. Valid values are either ``sid`` or ``service_name``. If left unspecified, the default is ``sid``. sid (str, optional): The service identifier or name for a database credential. sql_server_auth_type (str, optional): The type of authentication to perform to the SQL Server instance. Valid values are ``SQL`` and ``Windows``. The default value if left unspecified is ``SQL``. tags (str, optional): A tag to associate to the credential. username (str, optional): The username for the OS credential. thycotic_domain (str, optional): The domain, if set, within Thycotic. thycotic_organization (str, optional): The organization to use if using a cloud instance of Thycotic. thycotic_password (str, optional): The password to use when authenticating to Thycotic. thycotic_private_key (bool, optional): If enabled, informs the scanners to use key-based auth for SSH connections instead of password auth. thycotic_secret_name (str, optional): The secret name value on the Tycotic server. thycotic_url (str, optional): The absolute URL path pointing to the Thycotic secret server. thycotic_username (str, optional): The username to use to authenticate to Thycotic. thycotic_verify_ssl (bool, optional): Should the SSL certificate be validated when communicating to Thycotic? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. vault_account_name (str, optional): The unique name of the credential to retrieve from CyberArk. Generally referred to as the *name* paramater within CyberArk. vault_address (str, optional): The domain for the CyberArk account. SSL must be configured through IIS on the CCP before using. vault_app_id (str, optional): The AppID to use with CyberArk. vault_cyberark_client_cert (file, optional): The fileobject containing the CyberArk client certificate. vault_cyberark_url (str, optional): The URL for the CyberArk AIM web service. If left unspecified, the default URL path of ``/AIMWebservice/v1.1/AIM.asmx`` will be used.. vault_cyberark_private_key (file, optional): The fileobject containing the CyberArk client private key. vault_cyberark_private_key_passphrase (str, optional): The passhrase for the private key. vault_folder (str, optional): The folder to use within CyberArk for credential retrieval. vault_host (str, optional): The CyberArk Vault host. vault_password (str, optional): The password to use for authentication to the vault if the CyberArk Central Credential Provider is configured for basic auth. vault_policy_id (int, optional): The CyberArk PolicyID assigned to the credentials to retrieve. vault_port (int, optional): The port in which the CyberArk Vault resides. vault_safe (str, optional): The CyberArk safe that contains the credentials to retrive. vault_use_ssl (bool, optional): Should the scanners communicate to CyberArk over SSL for credential retrieval? If left unspecified, the default is set to ``True``. vault_username (str, optional): The username to use for authentication to the vault if the CyberArk Central Credential Provider is configured for basic auth. vault_verify_ssl (bool, optional): Should the SSL certificate be validated when communicating to the vault? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. Returns: :obj:`dict`: The newly created credential. Examples: Creating a Windows AD credential: >>> cred = sc.credentials.create( ... 'Example AD User', 'windows', 'ntlm', ... username='scanneruser', ... password='sekretpassword', ... domain='') Creating a root user SSH credential: >>> cred = sc.credentials.create( ... 'Example SSH Cred', 'ssh', 'password', ... username='root', ... password='sekretpassword') Creating a root user SSH cred with a private key: >>> with open('privatekeyfile', 'rb') as keyfile: ... cred = sc.credentials.create( ... 'Example SSH Keys', 'ssh', 'publicKey', ... username='root', ... private_key=keyfile) Creating a normal user SSH cred with sudo for privilege escalation: >>> cred = sc.credentials.create( ... 'Example SSH Sudo', 'ssh', 'password', ... username='user', ... password='sekretpassword', ... privilege_escalation='sudo', ... escalation_password='sekretpassword') Creating a SQL Server cred set: >>> cred = sc.credentials.create( ... 'Example SQL Server', 'database', 'SQL Server', ... username='sa', ... password='sekretpassword', ... sql_server_auth_type='SQL', ... sid='database_name') ''' kw['name'] = name kw['type'] = cred_type kw['auth_type'] = auth_type # Setting some default values depending on whats passed. Generally # speaking we want to default to using SSL, however by default not # verify the SSL certificate (as generally these are on-prem systems # with a self-signed cert) if auth_type == 'cyberark': kw['vault_use_ssl'] = kw.get('vault_use_ssl', True) kw['vault_verify_ssl'] = kw.get('vault_verify_ssl', False) elif auth_type == 'lieberman': kw['lieberman_use_ssl'] = kw.get('lieberman_use_ssl', True) kw['lieberman_verify_ssl'] = kw.get('lieberman_verify_ssl', False) elif auth_type == 'beyondtrust': kw['auth_type'] = 'BeyondTrust' kw['beyondtrust_use_ssl'] = kw.get('beyondtrust_use_ssl', True) kw['beyondtrust_verify_ssl'] = kw.get( 'beyondtrust_verify_ssl', False) kw['beyondtrust_use_private_key'] = kw.get( 'beyondtrust_use_private_key', False) kw['beyondtrust_use_escalation'] = kw.get( 'beyondtrust_use_escalation', False) elif auth_type == 'thycotic': kw['thycotic_ssl_verify'] = kw.get('thycotic_ssl_verify', False) if cred_type == 'ssh': kw['thycotic_private_key'] = kw.get( 'thycotic_private_key', False) elif auth_type == 'kerberos': kw['kdc_port'] = kw.get('kdc_port', 88) kw['kdc_protocol'] = kw.get('kdc_protocol', 'tcp') # If the credential type is ssh, then we'd like to make sure that # the escalation is set to "none" unless overridden. if (cred_type == 'ssh' and auth_type in ['password', 'publicKey', 'certificate']): kw['privilege_escalation'] = kw.get('privilege_escalation', 'none') if kw.get('db_type') == 'Oracle': kw['oracle_auth_type'] = kw.get('oracle_auth_type', 'NORMAL') kw['oracle_service_type'] = kw.get('oracle_service_type', 'SID') # Uploading files as necessary kw = self._upload_files(**kw) # Constructing the payload payload = self._constructor(**kw) # Making the call. return'credential', json=payload).json()['response']
[docs] def details(self, id, fields=None): ''' Returns the details for a specific credential. :sc-api:`credential: details <Credential.html#CredentialRESTReference-/credential/{id}>` Args: id (int): The identifier for the credential. fields (list, optional): A list of attributes to return. Returns: :obj:`dict`: The credential resource record. Examples: >>> cred = sc.credentials.details(1) >>> pprint(cred) ''' params = dict() if fields: params['fields'] = ','.join([self._check('field', f, str) for f in fields]) return self._api.get('credential/{}'.format(self._check('id', id, int)), params=params).json()['response']
[docs] def edit(self, id, **kw): ''' Edits a credential. :sc-api:`credential: edit <Credential.html#credential_id_PATCH>` Args: auth_type (str, optional): The type of authentication for the credential. Valid types are ``beyondtrust``, ``certificate``, cyberark``, ``kerberos``, ``lieberman``, ``lm``, ``ntlm``, ``password``, ``publickey``, ``thycotic``. beyondtrust_api_key (str, optional): The API key to use for authenticating to Beyondtrust. beyondtrust_duration (int, optional): The length of time to cache the checked-out credentials from Beyondtrust. This value should be less than the password change interval within Beyondtrust. beyondtrust_host (str, optional): The host address for the Beyondtrust application. beyondtrust_port (int, optional): The port number associated with the Beyondtrust application. beyondtrust_use_escalation (bool, optional): If enabled, informs the scanners to use Beyondtrust for privilege escalation. beyondtrust_use_private_key (bool, optional): If enabled, informs the scanners to use key-based auth for SSH connections instead of password auth. beyondtrust_use_ssl (bool, optional): Should the scanners communicate to Beyondtrust over SSL for credential retrieval? If left unspecified, the default is set to ``True``. beyondtrust_verify_ssl (bool, optional): Should the SSL certificate be validated when communicating to Beyondtrust? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. community_string (str, optional): The SNMP community string to use for authentication. db_type (str, optional): The type of database connection that will be performed. Valid types are ``DB2``, ``Informix/DRDA``, ``MySQL``, ``Oracle``, ``PostgreSQL``, ``SQL Server``. description (str, optional): A description to associate to the credential. domain (str, optional): The Active Directory domain to use if the user is a member of a domain. escalation_path (str, optional): The path in which to run the escalation commands. escalation_password (str, optional): The password to use for the escalation. escalation_su_use (str, optional): If performing an SU escalation, this is the user to escalate to. escalation_username (str, optional): The username to escalate to. kdc_ip (str, optional): The kerberos host supplying the session tickets. kdc_port (int, optional): The port to use for kerberos connections. If left unspecified the default is ``88``. kdc_protocol (str, optional): The protocol to use for kerberos connections. Valid options are ``tcp`` and ``udp``. If left unspecified then the default is ``tcp``. kdc_realm (str, optional): The Kerberos realm to use for authentication. lieberman_host (str, optional): The address for the Lieberman vault. lieberman_port (int, optional): The port number where the Lieberman service is listening. lieberman_pam_password (str, optional): The password to authenticate to the Lieberman RED API. lieberman_pam_user (str, optional): The username to authenticate to the Lieberman RED API. lieberman_system_name (str, optional): The name for the credentials in Lieberman. lieberman_use_ssl (bool, optional): Should the scanners communicate to Lieberman over SSL for credential retrieval? If left unspecified, the default is set to ``True``. lieberman_verify_ssl (bool, optional): Should the SSL certificate be validated when communicating to Lieberman? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. name (str, optional): The name for the credential. password (str, optional): The password for the credential. port (int, optional): A valid port number for a database credential. privilege_escalation (str, optional): The type of privilege escalation to perform once authenticated. Valid values are ``.k5login``, ``cisco``, ``dzdo``, ``none``, ``pbrun``, ``su``, ``su+sudo``, ``sudo``. If left unspecified, the default is ``none``. oracle_auth_type (str, optional): The type of authentication to use when communicating to an Oracle database server. Supported values are ``sysdba``, ``sysoper``, and ``normal``. If left unspecified, the default option is ``normal``. oracle_service_type (str, optional): The type of service identifier specified in the ``sid`` parameter. Valid values are either ``sid`` or ``service_name``. If left unspecified, the default is ``sid``. sid (str, optional): The service identifier or name for a database credential. sql_server_auth_type (str, optional): The type of authentication to perform to the SQL Server instance. Valid values are ``SQL`` and ``Windows``. The default value if left unspecified is ``SQL``. tags (str, optional): A tag to associate to the credential. type (str. optional): The type of credential to store. Valid types are ``database``, ``snmp``, ``ssh``, and ``windows``. username (str, optional): The username for the OS credential. thycotic_domain (str, optional): The domain, if set, within Thycotic. thycotic_organization (str, optional): The organization to use if using a cloud instance of Thycotic. thycotic_password (str, optional): The password to use when authenticating to Thycotic. thycotic_private_key (bool, optional): If enabled, informs the scanners to use key-based auth for SSH connections instead of password auth. thycotic_secret_name (str, optional): The secret name value on the Tycotic server. thycotic_url (str, optional): The absolute URL path pointing to the Thycotic secret server. thycotic_username (str, optional): The username to use to authenticate to Thycotic. thycotic_verify_ssl (bool, optional): Should the SSL certificate be validated when communicating to Thycotic? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. vault_account_name (str, optional): The unique name of the credential to retrieve from CyberArk. Generally referred to as the *name* paramater within CyberArk. vault_address (str, optional): The domain for the CyberArk account. SSL must be configured through IIS on the CCP before using. vault_app_id (str, optional): The AppID to use with CyberArk. vault_cyberark_client_cert (file, optional): The fileobject containing the CyberArk client certificate. vault_cyberark_url (str, optional): The URL for the CyberArk AIM web service. If left unspecified, the default URL path of ``/AIMWebservice/v1.1/AIM.asmx`` will be used.. vault_cyberark_private_key (file, optional): The fileobject containing the CyberArk client private key. vault_cyberark_private_key_passphrase (str, optional): The passhrase for the private key. vault_folder (str, optional): The folder to use within CyberArk for credential retrieval. vault_host (str, optional): The CyberArk Vault host. vault_password (str, optional): The password to use for authentication to the vault if the CyberArk Central Credential Provider is configured for basic auth. vault_policy_id (int, optional): The CyberArk PolicyID assigned to the credentials to retrieve. vault_port (int, optional): The port in which the CyberArk Vault resides. vault_safe (str, optional): The CyberArk safe that contains the credentials to retrive. vault_use_ssl (bool, optional): Should the scanners communicate to CyberArk over SSL for credential retrieval? If left unspecified, the default is set to ``True``. vault_username (str, optional): The username to use for authentication to the vault if the CyberArk Central Credential Provider is configured for basic auth. vault_verify_ssl (bool, optional): Should the SSL certificate be validated when communicating to the vault? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. Returns: :obj:`dict`: The newly updated credential. Examples: >>> cred = sc.credentials.edit() ''' # Uploading files as necessary kw = self._upload_files(**kw) payload = self._constructor(**kw) return self._api.patch('credential/{}'.format( self._check('id', id, int)), json=payload).json()['response']
[docs] def delete(self, id): ''' Removes a credential. :sc-api:`credential: delete <Credential.html#credential_id_DELETE>` Args: id (int): The numeric identifier for the credential to remove. Returns: :obj:`str`: An empty response. Examples: >>> sc.credentials.delete(1) ''' return self._api.delete('credential/{}'.format( self._check('id', id, int))).json()['response']
[docs] def list(self, fields=None): ''' Retrieves the list of scan zone definitions. + :sc-api:`credential: list <Credential.html#CredentialRESTReference-/credential>` Args: fields (list, optional): A list of attributes to return for each credential. Returns: :obj:`list`: A list of credential resources. Examples: >>> for cred in sc.credentials.list(): ... pprint(cred) ''' params = dict() if fields: params['fields'] = ','.join([self._check('field', f, str) for f in fields]) return self._api.get('credential', params=params).json()['response']
def tags(self): ''' Retrieves the list of unique tags associated to credentials. :sc-api:`credential: tags <Credential.html#CredentialRESTReference-/credential/tag>` Returns: :obj:`list`: List of tags Examples: >>> tags = sc.credentials.tags() ''' return self._api.get('credential/tag').json()['response'] def share(self, id, *groups): ''' Shares the specified credential to another user group. :sc-api:`credential: share <Credential.html#CredentialRESTReference-/credential/{id}/share>` Args: id (int): The numeric id for the credential. *groups (int): The numeric id of the group(s) to share to. Returns: :obj:`dict`: The updated credential resource. Examples: >>> sc.credentials.share(1, group_1, group_2) ''' return'credential/{}/share'.format( self._check('id', id, int)), json={ 'groups': [{'id': self._check('group:id', i, int)} for i in groups]}).json()['response']