Source code for


The following methods allow for interaction with the
:sc-api:`CurrentOrganization <Current-Organization.html>` API and the
:sc-api:`CurrentUser <>` API.

Methods available on ``sc.current``:

.. rst-class:: hide-signature
.. autoclass:: CurrentSessionAPI

    .. automethod:: associate_cert
    .. automethod:: org
    .. automethod:: user
from .base import SCEndpoint

[docs]class CurrentSessionAPI(SCEndpoint):
[docs] def associate_cert(self): ''' Associates the certificate passed to the server with the current user's account. This allows for authentication via certificate in subsequent logins. Returns: :obj:`dict`: The updated user record. Examples: >>> sc.current.associate_cert() ''' return'currentUser/associateCert').json()['response']
[docs] def org(self, fields=None): ''' Returns the organization of the current session. :sc-api:`current-organization <Current-Organization.html>` Args: fields (list, optional): The list of fields that are desired to be returned. For details on what fields are available, please refer to the details on the request within the organization list API doc. Returns: :obj:`dict`: The organization record. Examples: >>> org = ''' params = dict() if fields: params['fields'] = ','.join([self._check('field', f, str) for f in fields]) return self._api.get('currentOrganization', params=params).json()['response']
[docs] def user(self, fields=None): ''' Returns the user of the current session. :sc-api:`current-user </Current-User.html>` Args: fields (list, optional): The list of fields that are desired to be returned. For details on what fields are available, please refer to the details on the request within the organization list API doc. Returns: :obj:`dict`: The user record. Examples: >>> org = ''' params = dict() if fields: params['fields'] = ','.join([self._check('field', f, str) for f in fields]) return self._api.get('currentUser', params=params).json()['response']