Source code for


The following methods allow for interaction into the
:sc-api:`Roles <Role.html>` API.  These items are typically seen under the
**User Roles** section of

Methods available on ``sc.roles``:

.. rst-class:: hide-signature
.. autoclass:: RoleAPI

    .. automethod:: create
    .. automethod:: delete
    .. automethod:: details
    .. automethod:: edit
    .. automethod:: list
from .base import SCEndpoint

[docs]class RoleAPI(SCEndpoint): def _constructor(self, **kw): ''' Handles parsing the keywords and returns a role definition document ''' if 'name' in kw: # Validate that the name parameter is a string. self._check('name', kw['name'], str) if 'description' in kw: # Validate that the description parameter is a string. self._check('description', kw['description'], str) # Snake-cased boolean role mapping to the API attributes. mapping = { 'manage_groups': 'permManageGroups', 'manage_roles': 'permManageRoles', 'manage_images': 'permManageImages', 'manage_relationships': 'permManageGroupRelationships', 'manage_blackout_windows': 'permManageBlackoutWindows', 'manage_attributes': 'permManageAttributeSets', 'create_tickets': 'permCreateTickets', 'create_alerts': 'permCreateAlerts', 'create_auditfiles': 'permCreateAuditFiles', 'create_ldap_assets': 'permCreateLDAPAssets', 'create_policies': 'permCreatePolicies', 'purge_tickets': 'permPurgeTickets', 'purge_scans': 'permPurgeScanResults', 'purge_reports': 'permPurgeReportResults', 'can_scan': 'permScan', 'can_agent_scan': 'permAgentsScan', 'can_share': 'permShareObjects', 'can_feed_update': 'permUpdateFeeds', 'can_import_scan': 'permUploadNessusResults', 'can_view_logs': 'permViewOrgLogs', 'manage_accepted_risk_rules': 'permManageAcceptRiskRules', 'manage_recast_risk_rules': 'permManageRecastRiskRules', } # iterate through the keys, converting the boolean values to the # lowercased strings values that the API expects to see. for key in mapping.keys(): if key in kw: kw[mapping[key]] = str(self._check(key, kw[key], bool)).lower() del(kw[key]) return kw
[docs] def create(self, name, **kw): ''' Creates a role. :sc-api:`role: create <Role.html#role_POST>` Args: name (str): The name of the new role to create. descrioption (str, optional): A description for the role to be created. can_agent_scan (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to perform agent scans? If left unspecified the default is ``False``. can_feed_update (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to perform feed updates? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. can_import_scan (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to import scans? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. can_scan (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to perform scans? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. can_share (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to share objects with other groups? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. can_view_logs (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to view the organizational logs from If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. create_alerts (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to create alerts? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. create_auditfiles (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to create their own audit files? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. create_ldap_assets (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to create LDAP Query Asset Lists? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. create_policies (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to create scan policies? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. create_tickets (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to create tickets? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. manage_accepted_risk_rules (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to manage accepted risk rules? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. manage_attributes (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to manage attribute sets? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. manage_blackout_windows (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to manage scanning blackout windows? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. manage_groups (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to manage user groups? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. manage_images (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to manage report images? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. manage_recast_risk_rules (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to manage recast risk rules? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. manage_relationships (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to manage the user group relationships? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. manage_roles (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to manage group role configurations? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. Returns: :obj:`dict`: The newly created role. Examples: >>> role = sc.roles.create('Example Role', ... can_scan=True, can_import_scan=True) ''' kw['name'] = name payload = self._constructor(**kw) return'role', json=payload).json()['response']
[docs] def details(self, id, fields=None): ''' Returns the details for a specific role. :sc-api:`role: details <Role.html#role_id_GET>` Args: id (int): The identifier for the role. fields (list, optional): A list of attributes to return. Returns: :obj:`dict`: The role resource record. Examples: >>> role = sc.roles.details(1) >>> pprint(role) ''' params = dict() if fields: params['fields'] = ','.join([self._check('field', f, str) for f in fields]) return self._api.get('role/{}'.format(self._check('id', id, int)), params=params).json()['response']
[docs] def edit(self, id, **kw): ''' Edits a role. :sc-api:`role: edit <Role.html#role_id_PATCH>` Args: id (int): The numeric identifier for the role. name (str, optional): The name of the new role to create. description (str, optional): A description for the role to be created. can_agent_scan (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to perform agent scans? If left unspecified the default is ``False``. can_feed_update (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to perform feed updates? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. can_import_scan (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to import scans? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. can_scan (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to perform scans? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. can_share (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to share objects with other groups? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. can_view_logs (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to view the organizational logs from If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. create_alerts (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to create alerts? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. create_auditfiles (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to create their own audit files? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. create_ldap_assets (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to create LDAP Query Asset Lists? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. create_policies (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to create scan policies? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. create_tickets (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to create tickets? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. manage_accepted_risk_rules (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to manage accepted risk rules? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. manage_attributes (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to manage attribute sets? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. manage_blackout_windows (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to manage scanning blackout windows? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. manage_groups (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to manage user groups? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. manage_images (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to manage report images? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. manage_recast_risk_rules (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to manage recast risk rules? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. manage_relationships (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to manage the user group relationships? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. manage_roles (bool, optional): Are members of this role allowed to manage group role configurations? If left unspecified, the default is ``False``. Returns: :obj:`dict`: The newly updated scan zone. Examples: >>> role = sc.roles.create() ''' payload = self._constructor(**kw) return self._api.patch('role/{}'.format( self._check('id', id, int)), json=payload).json()['response']
[docs] def delete(self, id): ''' Removes a role. :sc-api:`role: delete <Role.html#role_id_DELETE>` Args: id (int): The numeric identifier for the role to remove. Returns: :obj:`str`: An empty response. Examples: >>> sc.roles.delete(1) ''' return self._api.delete('role/{}'.format( self._check('id', id, int))).json()['response']
[docs] def list(self, fields=None): ''' Retrieves the list of scan zone definitions. :sc-api:`role: list <Role.html#role_GET>` Args: fields (list, optional): A list of attributes to return for each role. Returns: :obj:`list`: A list of scan zone resources. Examples: >>> for role in sc.roles.list(): ... pprint(role) ''' params = dict() if fields: params['fields'] = ','.join([self._check('field', f, str) for f in fields]) return self._api.get('role', params=params).json()['response']