Source code for


The following methods allow for interaction into the
:sc-api:`Scan <Scan.html>` API.  While the api endpoints obliquely refers to the
model in which this collection of actions modifies as "Scans", is
actually referring to the scan *definitions*, which are the un-launched and/or
scheduled scans typically seen within the **Active Scans** section within

Methods available on ``sc.scans``:

.. rst-class:: hide-signature
.. autoclass:: ScanAPI

    .. automethod:: copy
    .. automethod:: create
    .. automethod:: delete
    .. automethod:: details
    .. automethod:: edit
    .. automethod:: launch
    .. automethod:: list
from .base import SCEndpoint
from tenable.utils import dict_merge
from tenable.errors import UnexpectedValueError

[docs]class ScanAPI(SCEndpoint): def _constructor(self, **kw): ''' Handles parsing the keywords and returns a scan definition document ''' if 'name' in kw: # simply verify that the name attribute is a string. self._check('name', kw['name'], str) if 'type' in kw: # If the scan type is manually specified, then we will want to make # sure that its a valid input. self._check('type', kw['type'], str, choices=['plugin', 'policy']) if 'description' in kw: # The description should always be a string value. self._check('description', kw['description'], str) if 'repo' in kw: # as we accept input as a integer, we need to expand the repository # attribute to be a dictionary item with just the ID (per API docs) kw['repository'] = {'id': self._check( 'repo', kw['repo'], int)} del(kw['repo']) if 'scan_zone' in kw: # similarly to the repository, the API expects the zone to be # defined as a sub-dictionary with just the id field. kw['zone'] = {'id': self._check( 'scan_zone', kw['scan_zone'], int, default=0)} del(kw['scan_zone']) if 'email_complete' in kw: # As emailOnFinish is effectively a string interpretation of a bool # value, if the snake case equivalent is used, we will convert it # into the expected parameter and remove the snake cased version. kw['emailOnFinish'] = str(self._check( 'email_complete', kw['email_complete'], bool, default=False)).lower() del(kw['email_complete']) if 'email_launch' in kw: # As emailOnLaunch is effectively a string interpretation of a bool # value, if the snake case equivalent is used, we will convert it # into the expected parameter and remove the snake cased version. kw['emailOnLaunch'] = str(self._check( 'email_launch', kw['email_launch'], bool, default=False)).lower() del(kw['email_launch']) if 'host_tracking' in kw: # As host_tracking is effectively a string interpretation of a bool # value, if the snake case equivalent is used, we will convert it # into the expected parameter and remove the snake cased version. kw['dhcpTracking'] = str(self._check( 'host_tracking', kw['host_tracking'], bool, default=False)).lower() del(kw['host_tracking']) if 'timeout' in kw: # timeout is the checked version of timeoutAction. If timeout is # specified, we will check to make sure that the action is a valid # one, put the result into timeoutAction, and remove timeout. kw['timeoutAction'] = self._check('timeout', kw['timeout'], str, choices=['discard', 'import', 'rollover'], default='import') del(kw['timeout']) if 'vhosts' in kw: # As scanningVirtualHosts is effectively a string interpretation of # a bool value, if the snake case equivalent is used, we will # convert it into the expected parameter and remove the snake cased # version. kw['scanningVirtualHosts'] = str(self._check( 'vhosts', kw['vhosts'], bool, default=False)).lower() del(kw['vhosts']) if 'rollover' in kw: # The scan rolloverType parameter simply shortened to better conform # to pythonic naming convention. kw['rolloverType'] = self._check('rollover', kw['rollover'], str, choices=['nextDay', 'template'], default='template') del(kw['rollover']) if 'targets' in kw: # targets is list representation of a comma-separated string of # values for the ipList attribute. By handling as a list instead of # the raw string variant the API expects, we can ensure that there # isn't any oddities, such as extra spaces, between the commas. kw['ipList'] = ','.join([self._check('target', i.strip(), str) for i in self._check('targets', kw['targets'], list)]) del(kw['targets']) if 'max_time' in kw: # maxScanTime is a integer encased in a string value. the snake # cased version of that expects an integer and converts it into the # string equivalent. kw['maxScanTime'] = self._check('max_time', kw['max_time'], int) if kw['maxScanTime'] <= 0: kw['maxScanTime'] = 'unlimited'; else: kw['maxScanTime'] = str(kw['maxScanTime']) del(kw['max_time']) if 'auto_mitigation' in kw: # As classifyMitigatedAge is effectively a string interpretation of # an int value, if the snake case equivalent is used, we will # convert it into the expected parameter and remove the snake cased # version. kw['classifyMitigatedAge'] = str(self._check( 'auto_mitigation', kw['auto_mitigation'], int, default=0)).lower() del(kw['auto_mitigation']) # hand off the building the schedule sub-document to the schedule # document builder. if 'schedule' in kw: kw['schedule'] = self._schedule_constructor(kw['schedule']) if 'reports' in kw: # as the reports list should already be in a format that the API # expects, we will simply verify that everything looks like it should. for item in self._check('reports', kw['reports'], list): self._check('report:id', item['id'], int), self._check('reportSource', item['reportSource'], str, choices=[ 'cumulative', 'patched', 'individual', 'lce', 'archive', 'mobile' ]) if 'asset_lists' in kw: # asset_lists is the collapsed list of id documents that the API # expects to see. We will check each item in the list to make sure # its in the right type and then expand it into a sub-document. kw['assets'] = [{'id': self._check('asset_list:id', i, int)} for i in self._check('assets_lists', kw['asset_lists'], list)] del(kw['asset_lists']) if 'creds' in kw: # creds is the collapsed list of id documents that the API expects # to see. We will check each item in the list to make sure its in # the right type and then expand it into a sub-document. kw['credentials'] = [{'id': self._check('cred:id', i, int)} for i in self._check('creds', kw['creds'], list)] del(kw['creds']) # Lastly, we need to handle the scan types automatically... if 'plugin_id' in kw and 'policy_id' in kw: # if both are specified, something is wrong here and we should throw # an exception. raise UnexpectedValueError( 'specify either a plugin_id or a policy_id for a scan, not both.') elif 'plugin_id' in kw: # If just the plugin_id is specified, then we are safe to assume # that this is a plugin-based scan. set the pluginID attribute as # the API would expect and remove the snake cased variant that was # inputted. kw['type'] = 'plugin' kw['pluginID'] = self._check('plugin_id', kw['plugin_id'], int) del(kw['plugin_id']) elif 'policy_id' in kw: # If just the policy_id is specified, then we are safe to assume # that this is a policy-based scan. set the policy id attribute # within the policy document as the API would expect and remove the # snake cased variant that was inputted. kw['type'] = 'policy' kw['policy'] = {'id': self._check('policy_id', kw['policy_id'], int)} del(kw['policy_id']) return kw
[docs] def list(self, fields=None): ''' Retrieves the list of scan definitions. :sc-api:scan: list <Scan.html#scan_GET>` Args: fields (list, optional): A list of attributes to return for each scan. Returns: :obj:`list`: A list of scan resources. Examples: >>> for scan in sc.scans.list(): ... pprint(scan) ''' params = dict() if fields: params['fields'] = ','.join([self._check('field', f, str) for f in fields]) return self._api.get('scan', params=params).json()['response']
[docs] def create(self, name, repo, **kw): ''' Creates a scan definition. :sc-api:`scan: create <Scan.html#scan_POST>` Args: name (str): The name of the scan. repo (int): The repository id for the scan. auto_mitigation (int, optional): How many days to hold on to data before mitigating it? The default value is 0. asset_lists (list, optional): A list of asset list ids to run the scan against. A logical OR will be performed to compute what hosts to scan against. creds (list, optional): A list of credential ids to use for the purposes of this scan. This list should be treated as an un-ordered list of credentials. description (str, optional): A description for the scan. email_complete (bool, optional): Should we notify the owner upon completion of the scan? The default is ``False``. email_launch (bool, optional): Should we notify the owner upon launching the scan? The default is ``False``. host_tracking (bool, optional): Should DHCP host tracking be enabled? The default is False. max_time (int, optional): The maximum amount of time that the scan may run in seconds. ``0`` or less for unlimited. The default is ``3600`` seconds. policy_id (int, optional): The policy id to use for a policy-based scan. plugin_id (int, optional): The plugin id to use for a plugin-based scan. reports (list, optional): What reports should be run upon completion of the scan? Each report dictionary requires an id for the report definition and the source for which to run the report against. Example: ``{'id': 1, 'reportSource': 'individual'}``. rollover (str, optional): How should rollover scans be created (assuming the scan is configured to create a rollover scan with the timeout action). The available actions are to automatically start the ``nextDay`` at the same time the scan was originally configured to run, and to generate a rollover ``template``. The default action is to generate a ``template``. scan_zone (int, optional): The zone identifier to use for the scan. If non is selected then the default of "0" or "All Zones" is selected. schedule (dict, optional): A dictionary detailing the repeating schedule of the scan. For more information refer to `Schedule Dictionaries`_ targets (list, optional): A list of valid targets. These targets could be IPs, FQDNs, CIDRs, or IP ranges. timeout (str, optional): How should an incomplete scan be handled? The available actions are ``discard``, ``import``, and ``rollover``. The default action is ``import``. vhosts (bool, optional): Should virtual host logic be enabled for the scan? The default is ``False``. Returns: :obj:`dict`: The scan resource for the created scan. Examples: Creating a scan for a single host: >>> sc.scans.create('Example scan', 1, policy_id=1001, ... targets=['']) ''' kw['name'] = name kw['repo'] = repo # If the policy_id or plugin_id is set (as one or the other generally # should be) then we will automatically set the scan type based on # which of the values is defined. if 'policy_id' in kw: kw['type'] = 'policy' elif 'plugin_id' in kw: kw['type'] = 'plugin' scan = self._constructor(**kw) return'scan', json=scan).json()['response']
[docs] def details(self, id, fields=None): ''' Returns the details for a specific scan. :sc-api:`scan: details <Scan.html#ScanRESTReference-/scan/{id}>` Args: id (int): The identifier for the scan. fields (list, optional): A list of attributes to return. Returns: :obj:`dict`: The alert resource record. Examples: >>> alert = sc.alerts.detail(1) >>> pprint(alert) ''' params = dict() if fields: params['fields'] = ','.join([self._check('field', f, str) for f in fields]) return self._api.get('scan/{}'.format(self._check('id', id, int)), params=params).json()['response']
[docs] def edit(self, id, **kw): ''' Edits an existing scan definition. :sc-api:`scan: update <Scan.html#scan_id_PATCH>` Args: id (int): The identifier for the scan. auto_mitigation (int, optional): How many days to hold on to data before mitigating it? asset_lists (list, optional): A list of asset list ids to run the scan against. A logical OR will be performed to compute what hosts to scan against. creds (list, optional): A list of credential ids to use for the purposes of this scan. This list should be treated as an un-ordered list of credentials. description (str, optional): A description for the scan. email_complete (bool, optional): Should we notify the owner upon completion of the scan? email_launch (bool, optional): Should we notify the owner upon launching the scan? host_tracking (bool, optional): Should DHCP host tracking be enabled? max_time (int, optional): The maximum amount of time that the scan may run in seconds. ``0`` or less for unlimited. name (str, optional): The name of the scan. policy (int, optional): The policy id to use for a policy-based scan. plugin (int, optional): The plugin id to use for a plugin-based scan. reports (list, optional): What reports should be run upon completion of the scan? Each report dictionary requires an id for the report definition and the source for which to run the report against. Example: ``{'id': 1, 'reportSource': 'individual'}``. repo (int, optional): The repository id for the scan. rollover (str, optional): How should rollover scans be created (assuming the scan is configured to create a rollover scan with the timeout action). The available actions are to automatically start the ``nextDay`` at the same time the scan was originally configured to run, and to generate a rollover ``template``. scan_zone (int, optional): The zone identifier to use for the scan. schedule (dict, optional): A dictionary detailing the repeating schedule of the scan. For more information refer to `Schedule Dictionaries`_ targets (list, optional): A list of valid targets. These targets could be IPs, FQDNs, CIDRs, or IP ranges. timeout (str, optional): How should an incomplete scan be handled? The available actions are ``discard``, ``import``, and ``rollover``. vhosts (bool, optional): Should virtual host logic be enabled for the scan? Returns: :obj:`dict`: The scan resource for the created scan. Examples: Creating a scan for a single host: >>> sc.scans.edit(1, name='Example scan') ''' scan = self._constructor(**kw) return self._api.patch('scan/{}'.format(self._check('id', id, int)), json=scan).json()['response']
[docs] def delete(self, id): ''' Removes the specified scan from SecurityCenter. :sc-api:`scan: delete <Scan.html#scan_id_DELETE>` Args: id (int): The identifier for the scan to delete. Returns: :obj:`list`: The list of scan id removed. Examples: >>> sc.scans.delete(1) ''' return self._api.delete('scan/{}'.format(self._check('id', id, int)) ).json()['response']
[docs] def copy(self, id, name, user_id): ''' Copies an existing scan definition. :sc-api:`scan: copy <Scan.html#ScanRESTReference-/scan/{id}/copyScanCopyPOST>` Args: id (int): The scan definition identifier to copy. name (str): The name of the copy thats created. user_id (int): The user id to assign as the owner of the new scan definition. Returns: :obj:`dict`: Scan definition resource. Examples: >>> sc.scans.copy(1, name='Cloned Scan') ''' payload = { 'name': self._check('name', name, str), 'targetUser': {'id': self._check('user_id', user_id, int)} } return'scan/{}/copy'.format( self._check('id', id, int)), json=payload).json()['response']['scan']
[docs] def launch(self, id, diagnostic_target=None, diagnostic_password=None): ''' Launches a scan definition. :sc-api:`scan: launch <Scan.html#ScanRESTReference-/scan/{id}/launch>` Args: id (int): The scan definition identifier to launch. diagnostic_target (str, optional): A valid IP or hostname to launch a diagnostic scan against. The ``diagnostic_password`` must also be specified or else this parameter will be ignored. diagnostic_password (str, optional): A password to use for the diagnostic scan. The ``diagnostic_target`` must also be specified or else this parameter will be ignored. Returns: :obj:`dict`: A scan result resource for the newly launched scan. Examples: >>> running = sc.scans.launch(1) >>> print('The Scan Result ID is {}'.format( ... running['scanResult']['id'])) ''' payload = dict() if diagnostic_target and diagnostic_password: payload['diagnosticTarget'] = self._check( 'diagnostic_target', diagnostic_target, str) payload['diagnosticPassword'] = self._check( 'diagnostic_password', diagnostic_password, str) return'scan/{}/launch'.format( self._check('id', id, int)), json=payload).json()['response']