Source code for

Tenable Vulnerability Management

.. autoclass:: TenableIO

.. toctree::

from typing import Dict, Optional

from requests import Response

from tenable.base.platform import APIPlatform
from .access_groups import AccessGroupsAPI
from .access_groups_v2 import AccessGroupsV2API
from .agent_config import AgentConfigAPI
from .agent_exclusions import AgentExclusionsAPI
from .agent_groups import AgentGroupsAPI
from .agents import AgentsAPI
from .assets import AssetsAPI
from .audit_log import AuditLogAPI
from .credentials import CredentialsAPI
from .cs.api import ContainerSecurity
from .editor import EditorAPI
from .exclusions import ExclusionsAPI
from .exports.api import ExportsAPI
from .files import FileAPI
from .filters import FiltersAPI
from .folders import FoldersAPI
from .groups import GroupsAPI
from .networks import NetworksAPI
from .permissions import PermissionsAPI
from .plugins import PluginsAPI
from .policies import PoliciesAPI
from .remediation_scans import RemediationScansAPI
from .scanner_groups import ScannerGroupsAPI
from .scanners import ScannersAPI
from .scans import ScansAPI
from .server import ServerAPI
from .session import SessionAPI
from .tags import TagsAPI
from .target_groups import TargetGroupsAPI
from .users import UsersAPI
from .v3 import Version3API
from .was.api import WasAPI
from .workbenches import WorkbenchesAPI

[docs]class TenableIO(APIPlatform): # noqa: PLR0904 ''' The Tenable Vulnerability Management object is the primary interaction point for users to interface with Tenable Vulnerability Management via the pyTenable library. All the API endpoint classes that have been written will be grafted onto this class. Args: access_key (str, optional): The user's API access key for Tenable Vulnerability Management. If an access key isn't specified, then the library will attempt to read the environment variable ``TIO_ACCESS_KEY`` to acquire the key. secret_key (str, optional): The user's API secret key for Tenable Vulnerability Management. If a secret key isn't specified, then the library will attempt to read the environment variable ``TIO_SECRET_KEY`` to acquire the key. url (str, optional): The base URL that the paths will be appended onto. The default is ```` retries (int, optional): The number of retries to make before failing a request. The default is ``5``. backoff (float, optional): If a 429 response is returned, how much do we want to backoff if the response didn't send a Retry-After header. The default backoff is ``1`` second. vendor (str, optional): The vendor name for the User-Agent string. product (str, optional): The product name for the User-Agent string. build (str, optional): The version or build identifier for the User-Agent string. timeout (int, optional): The connection timeout parameter informing the library how long to wait in seconds for a stalled response before terminating the connection. If unspecified, the default is 120 seconds. Examples: Basic Example: >>> from import TenableIO >>> tio = TenableIO('ACCESS_KEY', 'SECRET_KEY') Example with proper identification: >>> tio = TenableIO('ACCESS_KEY', 'SECRET_KEY', >>> vendor='Company Name', >>> product='My Awesome Widget', >>> build='1.0.0') Example with proper identification leveraging environment variables for access and secret keys: >>> tio = TenableIO( >>> vendor='Company Name', product='Widget', build='1.0.0') ''' _env_base = 'TIO' _tzcache = None _url = '' _timeout = 120 def __init__(self, access_key: Optional[str] = None, secret_key: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ): if access_key: kwargs['access_key'] = access_key if secret_key: kwargs['secret_key'] = secret_key super().__init__(**kwargs) def _retry_request(self, response: Response, retries: int, **kwargs) -> Dict: ''' If the call is retried, we will need to set some additional headers ''' kwargs['headers'] = kwargs.get('headers', {}) # if the request uuid exists in the response, then we will send the # uuid back so that there is solid request chain in the Tenable Vulnerability Management # platform logs. request_uuid = response.headers.get('X-Tio-Last-Request-Uuid') if request_uuid: kwargs['headers']['X-Tio-Last-Request-Uuid'] = request_uuid # We also need to return the number of times that we have attempted to # retry this call. kwargs['headers']['X-Tio-Retry-Count'] = str(retries) # Return the keyword arguments back to the caller. return kwargs @property def _tz(self): ''' As we will be using the timezone listing in a lot of parameter checking, we should probably cache the response as a private attribute to speed up checking times. ''' if not self._tzcache: self._tzcache = self.scans.timezones() return self._tzcache @property def cs(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management Container Security APIs <cs/index>`. ''' return ContainerSecurity(self) @property def access_groups(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management Access Groups APIs <access_groups>`. ''' return AccessGroupsAPI(self) @property def access_groups_v2(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management Access Groups v2 APIs <access_groups_v2>`. ''' return AccessGroupsV2API(self) @property def agent_config(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management Agent Config APIs <agent_config>`. ''' return AgentConfigAPI(self) @property def agent_groups(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management Agent Groups APIs <agent_groups>`. ''' return AgentGroupsAPI(self) @property def agent_exclusions(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management Agent Exclusions APIs <agent_exclusions>`. ''' return AgentExclusionsAPI(self) @property def agents(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management Agents APIs <agents>`. ''' return AgentsAPI(self) @property def assets(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management assets APIs <assets>`. ''' return AssetsAPI(self) @property def audit_log(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management Audit Log APIs <audit_log>`. ''' return AuditLogAPI(self) @property def credentials(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management Credentials APIs <credentials>`. ''' return CredentialsAPI(self) @property def editor(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management Editor APIs <editor>`. ''' return EditorAPI(self) @property def exclusions(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management Exclusions APIs <exclusions>`. ''' return ExclusionsAPI(self) @property def exports(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management Exports APIs <exports>`. ''' return ExportsAPI(self) @property def files(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management Files APIs <files>`. ''' return FileAPI(self) @property def filters(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management Filters APIs <filters>`. ''' return FiltersAPI(self) @property def folders(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management Folders APIs <folders>`. ''' return FoldersAPI(self) @property def groups(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management Groups APIs <groups>`. ''' return GroupsAPI(self) @property def networks(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management Networks APIs <networks>`. ''' return NetworksAPI(self) @property def permissions(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management Permissions APIs <permissions>`. ''' return PermissionsAPI(self) @property def plugins(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management Plugins APIs <plugins>`. ''' return PluginsAPI(self) @property def policies(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management Policies APIs <policies>`. ''' return PoliciesAPI(self) @property def scanner_groups(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management Scanner Groups APIs <scanner_groups>`. ''' return ScannerGroupsAPI(self) @property def scanners(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management Scanners APIs <scanners>`. ''' return ScannersAPI(self) @property def scans(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management Scans APIs <scans>`. ''' return ScansAPI(self) @property def remediationscans(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management Remediation Scans APIs <remediation_scans>`. ''' return RemediationScansAPI(self) @property def server(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management Server APIs <server>`. ''' return ServerAPI(self) @property def session(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management Session APIs <session>`. ''' return SessionAPI(self) @property def tags(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management Tags APIs <tags>`. ''' return TagsAPI(self) @property def target_groups(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management Target Groups APIs <target_groups>`. ''' return TargetGroupsAPI(self) @property def users(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management Users APIs <users>`. ''' return UsersAPI(self) @property def workbenches(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management Workbenches APIs <workbenches>`. ''' return WorkbenchesAPI(self) @property def v3(self): ''' The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management v3 APIs <v3/index>`. ''' return Version3API(self) @property def was(self): """ The interface object for the :doc:`Tenable Vulnerability Management WAS APIs <was>`. """ return WasAPI(self)