Source code for


The following methods allow for interaction into the Tenable Vulnerability Management
:devportal:`groups <groups>` API.

Methods available on ``tio.groups``:

.. rst-class:: hide-signature
.. autoclass:: GroupsAPI
from .base import TIOEndpoint

[docs]class GroupsAPI(TIOEndpoint):
[docs] def add_user(self, group_id, user_id): ''' Add a user to a user group. :devportal:`groups: add-user <groups-add-user>` Args: group_id (int): The unique identifier of the group to add the user to. user_id (int): The unique identifier of the user to add. Returns: :obj:`None`: The user was successfully added to the group. Examples: >>> tio.groups.add_user(1, 1) ''''groups/{}/users/{}'.format( self._check('group_id', group_id, int), self._check('user_id', user_id, int), json={} ))
[docs] def create(self, name): ''' Create a new user group. :devportal:`groups: create <groups-create>` Args: name (str): The name of the group that will be created. Returns: :obj:`dict`: The group resource record of the newly minted group. Examples: >>> group = tio.groups.create('Group Name') ''' return'groups', json={ 'name': self._check('name', name, str) }).json()
[docs] def delete(self, id): ''' Delete a user group. :devportal:`groups: delete <groups-delete>` Args: id (int): The unique identifier for the group to be deleted. Returns: :obj:`None`: The group was successfully deleted. Examples: >>> tio.groups.delete(1) ''' self._api.delete('groups/{}'.format(self._check('id', id, int)))
[docs] def delete_user(self, group_id, user_id): ''' Delete a user from a user group. :devportal:`groups: delete-user <groups-delete-user>` Args: group_id (int): The unique identifier for the group to be modified. user_id (int): The unique identifier for the user to be removed from the group. Returns: :obj:`None`: The user was successfully removed from the group. Examples: >>> tio.groups.delete_user(1, 1) ''' self._api.delete('groups/{}/users/{}'.format( self._check('group_id', group_id, int), self._check('user_id', user_id, int) ))
[docs] def edit(self, id, name): ''' Edit a user group. :devportal:`groups: edit <groups/edit>` Args: id (int): The unique identifier for the group to be modified. name (str): The new name for the group. Returns: :obj:`dict`: The group resource record. Examples: >>> tio.groups.edit(1, 'Updated name') ''' return self._api.put('groups/{}'.format(self._check('id', id, int)), json={'name': self._check('name', name, str)}).json()
[docs] def list(self): ''' Lists all of the available user groups. :devportal:`groups: list <groups-list>` Returns: :obj:`list`: List of the group resource records Examples: >>> for group in tio.groups.list(): ... pprint(group) ''' return self._api.get('groups').json()['groups']
[docs] def list_users(self, id): ''' List the user memberships within a specific user group. :devportal:`groups: list-users <groups-list-users>` Args: id (int): The unique identifier of the group requested. Returns: :obj:`list`: List of user resource records based on membership to the specified group. Example: >>> for user in tio.groups.list_users(1): ... pprint(user) ''' return self._api.get('groups/{}/users'.format( self._check('id', id, int))).json()['users']