Audit Files
The following methods allow for interaction into the Tenable Security Center
:sc-api:`Audit File <AuditFile.htm>` API and the
:sc-api:`Audit File Template <AuditFile-Template.htm>` API. These items are
typically seen under the **Scans: Audit Files** section of Tenable Security Center.
Methods available on ``sc.audit_files``:
.. rst-class:: hide-signature
.. autoclass:: AuditFileAPI
from .base import SCEndpoint
from io import BytesIO
from os.path import basename
class AuditFileAPI(SCEndpoint):
def _constructor(self, **kw):
Handles parsing the keywords and returns a audit file definition document
if 'name' in kw:
# Validate that the name parameter is a string.
self._check('name', kw['name'], str)
if 'description' in kw:
# Validate that the description parameter is a string,
self._check('description', kw['description'], str)
if 'type' in kw:
# Validate that the type is one of the 3 possible audit file types:
# "", "scapWindows", or "scapLinux".
self._check('type', kw['type'], str,
choices=['', 'scapWindows', 'scapLinux'])
if 'template' in kw:
# Convert the template parameter into the auditFileTemplate
# sub-document and verify that the input is an integer value.
kw['auditFileTemplate'] = {'id': self._check(
'template', kw['template'], int)}
if 'vars' in kw:
# expand the the vars dict into a series of key/value documents.
kw['variables'] = [{
'name': self._check('var:name', k, str),
'value': self._check('var:value', v, str)
} for k,v in self._check('vars', kw['vars'], dict).items()]
if 'filename' in kw:
# Validate that the filename parameter is a string.
self._check('filename', kw['filename'], str)
if 'orig_filename' in kw:
# validate the the original_filename parameter is of type string and
# then store it in the CamelCase equiv:
kw['originalFilename'] = self._check(
'orig_filename', kw['orig_filename'], str)
if 'version' in kw:
# Validate that the version parameter is of type string and falls
# within the expected range of values
self._check('version', kw['version'], str,
choices=['1.0', '1.1', '1.2'])
if 'benchmark' in kw:
# Validate that the benchmark name is a string and then store it
# in the benchmarkName attribute.
kw['benchmarkName'] = self._check('benchmark', kw['benchmark'], str)
if 'profile' in kw:
# Validate that the profile name is a string and then store it in
# the profileName attribute.
kw['profileName'] = self._check('profile', kw['profile'], str)
if 'data_stream' in kw:
# Validate that the profile_stream attribute is a string and then
# store it in the dataStreamName attribute.
kw['dataStreamName'] = self._check(
'data_stream', kw['data_stream'], str)
if 'tailoring_filename' in kw:
kw['tailoringFilename'] = self._check(
'tailoring_filename', kw['tailoring_filename'], str)
if 'tailoring_orig_filename' in kw:
kw['tailoringOriginalFilename'] = self._check(
'tailoring_orig_filename', kw['tailoring_orig_filename'], str)
return kw
def create(self, name, audit_file=None, tailoring_file=None, **kw):
Creates a audit file.
:sc-api:`audit file: create <AuditFile.htm#auditFile_POST>`
name (str):
The name of the audit file.
audit_file (FileObject, optional):
The file-like object containing the audit file if uploading a
custom audit file.
benchmark (str, optional):
When the type is set to either SCAP datatype, this specifies the
name of the benchmark.
data_stream (str, optional):
When using version 1.2 of either SCAP datatype, you must specify
the name of the data stream.
description (str, optional):
A description of for the audit file.
profile (str, optional):
When the type is set to either SCAP datatype, this specifies the
name of the profile.
tailoring_file (FileObject, optional):
When the SCAP version is set to 1.2, this tailoring file can
optionally be provided.
template (int, optional):
The audit file template it to use. If using a template, then no
file is uploaded.
type (str, optional):
The type of audit file to upload. Generally only used when
uploading SCAP content as it will default to the Tenable-created
audit-file format. Supported SCAP values are ``scapWindows``
and ``scapLinux``.
vars (dict, optional):
If a template is specified, then this dictionary specifies the
parameters within the template to customize and what those
values should be. The values are provided within the template
version (str, optional):
When specifying a SCAP datatype, this informs Tenable Security Center what
version of SCAP this audit checklist is. Supported values are
``1.0``, ``1.1``, and ``1.2``.
The newly created audit file.
>>> audit = sc.audit_files.create()
kw['name'] = name
# Upload and store the relevant information on the audit file that has
# been provided.
if audit_file:
if hasattr(audit_file, 'name'):
kw['orig_filename'] = basename(audit_file.name)
kw['filename'] = self._api.files.upload(audit_file)
# Upload and store the relevant information on the tailoring file that
# has been provided.
if tailoring_file:
if hasattr(tailoring_file, 'name'):
kw['tailoring_orig_filename'] = basename(tailoring_file.name)
kw['tailoring_filename'] = self._api.files.upload(tailoring_file)
payload = self._constructor(**kw)
return self._api.post('auditFile', json=payload).json()['response']
def details(self, id, fields=None):
Returns the details for a specific audit file.
:sc-api:`audit file: details <AuditFile.htm#AuditFileRESTReference-/auditFile/{id}>`
id (int): The identifier for the audit file.
fields (list, optional): A list of attributes to return.
The audit file resource record.
>>> audit = sc.audit_files.details(1)
>>> pprint(audit)
params = dict()
if fields:
params['fields'] = ','.join([self._check('field', f, str) for f in fields])
return self._api.get('auditFile/{}'.format(self._check('id', id, int)),
def edit(self, id, audit_file=None, tailoring_file=None, **kw):
Edits a audit file.
:sc-api:`audit file: edit <AuditFile.htm#auditFile_uuid_PATCH>`
audit_file (FileObject, optional):
The file-like object containing the audit file if uploading a
custom audit file.
benchmark (str, optional):
When the type is set to either SCAP datatype, this specifies the
name of the benchmark.
data_stream (str, optional):
When using version 1.2 of either SCAP datatype, you must specify
the name of the data stream.
description (str, optional):
A description of for the audit file.
name (str, optional):
The name of the audit file.
profile (str, optional):
When the type is set to either SCAP datatype, this specifies the
name of the profile.
tailoring_file (FileObject, optional):
When the SCAP version is set to 1.2, this tailoring file can
optionally be provided.
template (int, optional):
The audit file template it to use. If using a template, then no
file is uploaded.
type (str, optional):
The type of audit file to upload. Generally only used when
uploading SCAP content as it will default to the Tenable-created
audit-file format. Supported SCAP values are ``scapWindows``
and ``scapLinux``.
vars (dict, optional):
If a template is specified, then this dictionary specifies the
parameters within the template to customize and what those
values should be. The values are provided within the template
version (str, optional):
When specifying a SCAP datatype, this informs Tenable Security Center what
version of SCAP this audit checklist is. Supported values are
``1.0``, ``1.1``, and ``1.2``.
The newly updated audit file.
>>> audit = sc.audit_files.edit()
# Upload and store the relevant information on the audit file that has
# been provided.
if audit_file:
if hasattr(audit_file, 'name'):
kw['orig_filename'] = basename(audit_file.name)
kw['filename'] = self._api.files.upload(audit_file)
# Upload and store the relevant information on the tailoring file that
# has been provided.
if tailoring_file:
if hasattr(tailoring_file, 'name'):
kw['tailoring_orig_filename'] = basename(tailoring_file.name)
kw['tailoring_filename'] = self._api.files.upload(tailoring_file)
payload = self._constructor(**kw)
return self._api.patch('auditFile/{}'.format(
self._check('id', id, int)), json=payload).json()['response']
def delete(self, id):
Removes a audit file.
:sc-api:`audit file: delete <AuditFile.htm#auditFile_uuid_DELETE>`
id (int): The numeric identifier for the audit file to remove.
An empty response.
>>> sc.audit_files.delete(1)
return self._api.delete('auditFile/{}'.format(
self._check('id', id, int))).json()['response']
def list(self, fields=None):
Retrieves the list of audit file definitions.
:sc-api:`audit file: list <AuditFile.htm#AuditFileRESTReference-/auditFile>`
fields (list, optional):
A list of attributes to return for each audit file.
A list of audit file resources.
>>> for audit in sc.audit_files.list():
... pprint(audit)
params = dict()
if fields:
params['fields'] = ','.join([self._check('field', f, str)
for f in fields])
return self._api.get('auditFile', params=params).json()['response']
def export_audit(self, id, fobj=None):
Exports an Audit File.
:sc-api:`audit file: export <AuditFile.htm#AuditFileRESTReference-/auditFile/{id}/export>`
id (int): The audit file numeric identifier.
fobj (FileObject, optional):
The file-like object to write the resulting file into. If
no file-like object is provided, a BytesIO objects with the
downloaded file will be returned. Be aware that the default
option of using a BytesIO object means that the file will be
stored in memory, and it's generally recommended to pass an
actual file-object to write to instead.
The file-like object with the resulting zipped report.
>>> with open('example.zip', 'wb') as fobj:
... sc.audit_files.export_audit(1, fobj)
resp = self._api.get('auditFile/{}/export'.format(
self._check('id', id, int)), stream=True)
# if no file-like object was passed, then we will instantiate a BytesIO
# object to push the file into.
if not fobj:
fobj = BytesIO()
# Lets stream the file into the file-like object...
for chunk in resp.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
if chunk:
return fobj
def template_categories(self):
Returns the audit file template categories
:sc-api:`audit template: categories <AuditFile-Template.htm#auditFileTemplate_categories_GET>`
List of audit file category listing dicts.
>>> for cat in sc.audit_files.template_categorties():
... pprint(cat)
return self._api.get('auditFileTemplate/categories').json()['response']
def template_details(self, id, fields=None):
Returns the details for the specified audit file template id.
:sc-api:`audit template: details <AuditFile-Template.htm#auditFileTemplate_id_GET>`
id (int):
The numeric identifier for the audit file template.
fields (list, optional):
A list of attributes to return.
The audit file template record.
>>> tmpl = sc.audit_files.template_details(1)
params = dict()
if fields:
params['fields'] = ','.join([self._check('field', f, str)
for f in fields])
return self._api.get('auditFileTemplate/{}'.format(
self._check('id', id, int)), params=params).json()['response']
def template_list(self, category=None, search=None, fields=None):
Returns the list of audit file templates.
:sc-api:`audit templates: list <AuditFile-Template.htm#AuditFileTemplateRESTReference-/auditFileTemplate>`
category (int, optional):
Restrict the results to only the specified category id.
fields (list, optional):
A list of attributes to return.
search (str, optional):
Restrict the response to only audit file names that match the
search string specified.
List of audit file records.
>>> for tmpl in sc.audit_files.template_list():
... pprint(tmpl)
params = dict()
if category:
params['categoryID'] = self._check('category', category, int)
if search:
params['searchString'] = self._check('search', search, str)
if fields:
params['fields'] = ','.join([self._check('field', f, str)
for f in fields])
return self._api.get('auditFileTemplate',