Source code for


The following methods allow for interaction into the Tenable Security Center
:sc-api:`User <User.htm>` API.  These items are typically seen under the
**Users** section of Tenable Security Center.

Methods available on ``sc.users``:

.. rst-class:: hide-signature
.. autoclass:: UserAPI
from typing import Dict, List, Optional
from restfly.utils import dict_clean
from .base import SCEndpoint

[docs] class UserAPI(SCEndpoint): _path = 'user' _box = True def _constructor(self, **kw): ''' Handles parsing the keywords and returns a user definition document ''' if 'role' in kw: # Validate role as int and pass to roleID kw['roleID'] = self._check('role', kw['role'], int) del(kw['role']) if 'group' in kw: # Validate group asd int and pass to groupID kw['groupID'] = self._check('group', kw['group'], int) del(kw['group']) if 'org' in kw: # Validate org as int and pass to orgID kw['orgID'] = self._check('org', kw['org'], int) del(kw['org']) if 'responsibility' in kw: # Validate responsibility as an int and pass to responsibleAssetID kw['responsibleAssetID'] = self._check( 'responsibility', kw['responsibility'], int) del(kw['responsibility']) # all of the following keys are string values and do not require any # case conversion. We will simply iterate through them and verify that # they are in-fact strings. keys = [ 'ldapUsername', 'username', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'title', 'email', 'address', 'city', 'state', 'country', 'phone', 'fax', 'fingerprint', 'status' ] for k in keys: if k in kw: self._check(k, kw[k], str) if 'is_locked' in kw: # Convert the is_locked keyword from a boolean value into a string # interpretation of that value. kw['locked'] = str(self._check( 'is_locked', kw['is_locked'], bool)).lower() del(kw['is_locked']) if 'auth_type' in kw: # Verify that auth_type is one of the correct possible values and # store it within the camelCased version of the parameter. kw['authType'] = self._check('auth_type', kw['auth_type'], str, choices=['ldap', 'legacy', 'saml', 'tns', 'linked']) del(kw['auth_type']) if 'email_notice' in kw: # Verify that email_notice is one of the correct possible values and # store it within the camelCased version of the parameter. kw['emailNotice'] = self._check( 'email_notice', kw['email_notice'], str, choices=[ 'both', 'id', 'none', 'password']) del(kw['email_notice']) if 'timezone' in kw: # Convert the timezone parameter into the preference dictionary # item that's expected by the API. kw['preferences'] = [{ 'name': 'timezone', 'tag': 'system', 'value': self._check('timezone', kw['timezone'], str) }] del(kw['timezone']) if 'update_password' in kw: # Convert the update_password keyword from a boolean value into a # string interpretation of that value. kw['mustChangePassword'] = str(self._check( 'update_password', kw['update_password'], bool)).lower() del(kw['update_password']) if 'managed_usergroups' in kw: # Convert the managed_groups list into a listing of dictionaries # with an id parameter. kw['managedUsersGroups'] = [{'id': self._check('group:id', i, int)} for i in self._check( 'managed_usergroups', kw['managed_usergroups'], list)] del(kw['managed_usergroups']) if 'managed_userobjs' in kw: # Convert the managed_groups list into a listing of dictionaries # with an id parameter. kw['managedObjectsGroups'] = [{'id': self._check('group:id', i, int)} for i in self._check( 'managed_userobjs', kw['managed_userobjs'], list)] del(kw['managed_userobjs']) kw['createDefaultObjects'] = str( kw.pop('default_objects', kw.pop('createDefaultObjects', False)) ).lower() if 'ldap_id' in kw: # Convert the ldap_id attribute to a subdocument of "ldap" kw['ldap'] = {'id': self._check('ldap_id', kw['ldap_id'], int)} del(kw['ldap_id']) return kw
[docs] def create(self, username, password, role, **kw): ''' Creates a user. :sc-api:`user: create <User.htm#user_POST>` Args: username (str): The username for the account password (str): The password for the user to create role (int): The role that should be assigned to this user. address (str, optional): Optional street address information to associate to the user. auth_type (str, optional): The Authentication type to use for the user. Valid options are ``ldap``, ``legacy``, ``saml``, and ``tns``. If left unspecified the default is ``tns``. city (str, optional): Optional city information to associate to the user. country (str, optional): Optional country information to associate to the user. default_objects (bool, optional): Should the default objects be created for members of this group? email (str, optional): The email address to associate to the user. email_notice (str, optional): What type of events should generate an email notification? Valid types are ``id``, ``password``, ``both``, ``none``. fax (str, optional): A fax number to associate to the user. fingerprint (str, optional): A fingerprint to associate to the user. firstname (str, optional): A first name to associate to the user. group (int, optional): A group to associate to the user. This parameter is required for users that are not Administrators. is_locked (bool, optional): If the account locked? If left unspecified the default is False. ldap_id (int, optional): If specifying an LDAP auth type, this is the numeric identifier for the LDAP configuration to use. managed_usergroups (list, optional): A list of group ids that the user is allowed to manage users within. managed_userobjs (list, optional): A list of group ids that the user is allowed to manage objects within. This includes asset lists, reports, etc. org (int, optional): If logged in as an administrator, and creating a security manager account, the organization id must be passed in order to inform Tenable Security Center which organization to create the security manager within. phone (str, optional): A phone number to associate to the user. responsibility (int, optional): The asset list detailing what assets the user is responsible for. A value of ``0`` denotes all assets, any other non-zero integer must be the id of the asset list to associate to the user. state (str, optional): The state to associate to the user. timezone (str, optional): A timezone other than the system timezone to associate to the user. This will impact all times displayed within the user interface. title (str, optional): A title to associate to the user. update_password (bool, optional): Should the user be forced to update their password next login? If left unspecified, the default is False. Returns: :obj:`dict`: The newly created user. Examples: >>> user = sc.users.create('username', 'password', 1, group=1) ''' kw['username'] = username kw['password'] = password kw['role'] = role kw['auth_type'] = kw.get('auth_type', 'tns') kw['responsibleAssetID'] = -1 payload = self._constructor(**kw) return self._post(json=payload).response
[docs] def details(self, id: int, fields: List[str] = None) -> Dict: ''' Returns the details for a specific user. :sc-api:`user: details <User.htm#UserRESTReference-/user/{id}>` Args: id (int): The identifier for the user. fields (list, optional): A list of attributes to return. Returns: :obj:`dict`: The user resource record. Examples: >>> user = sc.users.details(1) >>> pprint(user) ''' params = dict() if fields: params['fields'] = ','.join(fields) return self._get(f'{id}', params=params).response
[docs] def edit(self, id: int, **kw): ''' Edits a user. :sc-api:`user: edit <User.htm#user_uuid_PATCH>` Args: address (str, optional): Optional street address information to associate to the user. auth_type (str, optional): The Authentication type to use for the user. Valid options are ``ldap``, ``legacy``, ``saml``, and ``tns``. If left unspecified the default is ``tns``. city (str, optional): Optional city information to associate to the user. country (str, optional): Optional country information to associate to the user. currentPassword (str, optional): Optional, requirement when updating password for current user in addition to password kwarg. default_dashboards (bool, optional): Should the default dashboards be created for the user? If left unspecified, the default is True. default_reportcards (bool, optional): Should the default report cards be created for the user? If left unspecified, the default is True. default_reports (bool, optional): Should the default reports be created for the user? If left unspecified, the default is True. email (str, optional): The email address to associate to the user. email_notice (str, optional): What type of events should generate an email notification? Valid types are ``id``, ``password``, ``both``, ``none``. fax (str, optional): A fax number to associate to the user. fingerprint (str, optional): A fingerprint to associate to the user. firstname (str, optional): A first name to associate to the user. group (int, optional): A group to associate to the user. This parameter is required for users that are not Administrators. is_locked (bool, optional): If the account locked? If left unspecified the default is False. ldap_id (int, optional): If specifying an LDAP auth type, this is the numeric identifier for the LDAP configuration to use. managed_usergroups (list, optional): A list of group ids that the user is allowed to manage users within. managed_userobjs (list, optional): A list of group ids that the user is allowed to manage objects within. This includes asset lists, reports, etc. org (int, optional): If logged in as an administrator, and creating a security manager account, the organization id must be passed in order to inform Tenable Security Center which organization to create the security manager within. password (str, optional): The user password, currentPassword should be used with this if updating password for logged in user. phone (str, optional): A phone number to associate to the user. responsibility (int, optional): The asset list detailing what assets the user is responsible for. A value of ``0`` denotes all assets, any other non-zero integer must be the id of the asset list to associate to the user. role (int, optional): The role that should be assigned to this user. state (str, optional): The state to associate to the user. timezone (str, optional): A timezone other than the system timezone to associate to the user. This will impact all times displayed within the user interface. title (str, optional): A title to associate to the user. update_password (bool, optional): Should the user be forced to update their password next login? If left unspecified, the default is False. username (str, optional): The username for the account Returns: :obj:`dict`: The newly updated user. Examples: >>> user = sc.users.edit(1, username='newusername') ''' payload = self._constructor(**kw) return self._patch(f'{id}', json=payload).response
[docs] def delete(self, id: int, migrate_to: Optional[int] = None): ''' Removes a user. :sc-api:`user: delete <User.htm#user_uuid_DELETE>` Args: id (int): The numeric identifier for the user to remove. Returns: :obj:`str`: An empty response. Examples: >>> sc.users.delete(1) ''' return self._delete(f'{id}', json=dict_clean({ 'migrateUserID': migrate_to, }))
[docs] def list(self, fields: List[str] = None) -> Dict: ''' Retrieves the list of user definitions. :sc-api:`user: list <User.htm#user_GET>` Args: fields (list, optional): A list of attributes to return for each user. Returns: :obj:`list`: A list of user resources. Examples: >>> for user in sc.users.list(): ... pprint(user) ''' params = {} if fields: params['fields'] = ','.join(fields) return self._get(params=params).response